ukrainian version

Vladimir S. Maderich

Head of Marine and River System Modelling Department
Institute of Mathematical Machine and System Problems
of National Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine
Prospect Glushkova, 42 Kiev,
03187, Ukraine
tel.: 38-044-526-6187
fax. 38-044-526-4249
E-mail: vlad[at]


Date of born 15 November 1944
Place of born Kiev, Ukraine
Married, son, 1974, daughter, 1981


M.S., Oceanography, 1968, Leningrad Hydrometeorological Institute, St.-Peterburg, Russia
Ph.D., Geophysics, 1974, Hydrometeorological Centre of USSR , Moscow, Russia
D. Sci. , Hydromechanics, 1991, Institute of Hydromechanics NAS U, Kiev, Ukraine


Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, the Netherlands,Joint Netherlands- Ukraine Programme - Visiting Scientist (December1993-March, 1994)


Large scale circulation of ocean and seas, theory of thermocline, climate changes.
Internal hydraulics of straits and estuaries.
Turbulent mixing in a stably stratified fluid, microstrure of hydrophysical fields.
Radionuclide and pollution transport in the sea.


  • 1996-date - Institute of Mathematical machine and System Problems NASU, Kiev, Ukraine
    Head of Department of Marine and River System Modelling (1996-date)
  • 1975-1996 - Institute of Hydromechanics NASU, Kiev, Ukraine .
    Head of Laboratory of Internal Waves and Turbulence (1990-1996),
    Senior Researcher (1980-1990),
    Junior Researcher (1975-1980),
  • 1971-1974 - Hydrometeorological Centre of USSR, Moscow, Russia
    Postgraduate student (1971-1974)
  • 1968 -1971 - Navy officer
       Last modified: Feb 6, 2008