Mathematical Machines and Systems. 1997 #1



UDC 681.3
On the informatization of the society. / Brukhovich E.I. // Mathematical Machines and Systems / - 1997. - #1. - P. 3-14.
    The attempt is made to work out, on the basis of the scientific prevision the knowledge about utmostly developed types of computers and economic system. There is qiven information about natural laws, acting in the interdiscipline field and the methodoloqy of cognizing them. The conclusion has been made about disalternativity of the informatization program of the Ukrainian society on the basis of these knowledges. Refs: 29 titles.

UDC 681.3
Instrumental Tools for expert systems of symbol processing design / Tseytlin G.E, Terzian T.K, Zaharia L.M. // Mathematical Machines and Systems / - 1997. - #1. - P. 14-24.
    The special expert systems construction to solve symbol processing problems is considered in the article. Model of the expert system SORT for representation, classification and accumulation of knowledge on algorithms of consecutive sorting is considered. At it is creation tool means, based on the algorithmics apparatus, are used. Refs.: 12 titles.

UDC 518.681.3.01
Place and Role of Algoritmic Basis in Solving Capacity Problem / Tesler G.S. // Mathematical Machines and Systems.-1997.-#1.-P. 25-33.
    The algorithmic basis is introduced and its role and place in solvig computing means capacity problem are researched. The algorithmic basis classification has been carried out by criteria of use mass character and adaptability to inward and outward conditions of use. The methods and means for the computation acceleration have been considered and their appreciation has been given. Tables: 4. Refs: 22 titles.

UDC 519.6
Intelligent software to solve systems of nonlinear equations / A. Rystsova // Mathematical Machines and Systems.-1997.-#1.-P. 34-39.
         Software for investigation and solving of nonlinear system of algebraic equations is given. The numerical examples demonstrate the range of problems tractable by method of modern computer algebra to investigate the roots. Refs: 7 titles.

UDC 681.3
Representation of knowledge on neuron-like growing networks. / Yashchenko V.A., Hodak V.I. // Mathematical Machines and Systems.-1997.-#1.-P. 40-44.
    Representation of knowledge on neuron-like growing networks is examined. A new class of neuron-like growig networks and their formal mathematical description is described.

UDC 517.518.14 + 519.644 + 621.382.049
Analytic method of accounting homogeneously magnetized dia- and paramagnetic round cylinders fields / Romanovych S. S., Ivanova S. l., Voloboyev V. P. // Mathematical Machines and Systems.-1997.- #1.-P. 45-55.
    Analytical expressions for accounting a magnetic field and vector magnetic potentials, stipulated by magnetization of weak magnets in an external homogeneous fields are offered. Cases of both longitudinal and cross directions of magnetized field in relation to axis of cylinder are considered. The received formulas contain complete elliptical integrals of 1st, 2nd and 3rd kinds and permit to find a secondary field (of magnetization) and flux-linkages of contours, located in vicinities of any system of weak magnetized round cylinders. Bibliog. 7 ref.

UDC 681.3.06
Functional architecture of the integrated system of the decision making support in the situation centre conditions / Kusmenko G.E., Pieesh V.E. // Mathematical Machines and Systems.-1997.-#1.-P. 56-63.
    It is described the functional architecture of the integrated system of the decision making support in the situation centre conditions. Refs: 9 titles.

UDC 681.086
The using of the system of programming ANALYTIC for receiving the analytical parameter values of the gone rigid body movement. / Kalyna E.А, Kalyna V.N. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 1997. - # 1. - P. 64-66.
    It is described the realized with the help of the system of programming ANALYTIC method of parameter's errors computering of the gone rigid body movement, caused by the gone vibrations of the object body. Refs.: 3 titles.

UDK 681.3
The organization of the search in the text information system, using the word and word combination codes. / Vyun V.I., Kusmenko G.E., Pustovarov A.V., Pustovarov V.I. // Mathematical machines and systems. - 1997. - #1. - P. 67-72.
    The text information systems, intended for the syntactical and semantic analysis of the text information system on the inflexional languages, demanded the new forms of the inherent data presentation. There are proposed the word and word combination coding, which marking the codes fields of states and types, allowing to make more flexible and quick the comparisions in the search operations and, also the organization of the search procedures and regulating of the search images, providing the significance shorting of the time expenditure for the decision of the problems oriented, the semantic search of the information. Refs: 4 titles.

UDC 517.958 + 519.642 + 519.644.2
Cubic approximation of a secondary field source's density on a rectangular boundary element. / Romanovych S. S., Ivanova S. L., Kokovina S. N. // Mathematical Machines and Systems.-1997. - #1. - P. 72-77.
    Construction of cubage formulae for integral as derivative of simple layer potential is considered. The area of integration is a rectangular on the curvilinear regular surface. An example of cubage construction for a plane rectangular element with 16 nodes, that is exact up to approach of a simple layer density by interpolation polynomial of the 3rd degrees on each of two surface co-ordinates, is indicated. Bibliog.: 2 ref.

UDC 681.322.067
Highly parallel database systems on Shared-Nothing hardware architecture basis / Reznik А.М., Timoshok Т.V. // Mathematical Machines and Systems.-1997. - #1. - P. 78-89.
    The state-of-the-art and common problems of highly parallel relational database systems are considered. Basic architectural concepts and several software techniques widely used in design of Shared- nothing parallel database systems and database machines are suggested. 3 figs. 2 tables. Refs.:16 titles.

UDC 681.51.57
Control of Input Data in the Data Base Control System ORACLE. / Zhevlakova L.V., Kuzmenko G.Y., Lytvynov V.A., Maystrenko S.Y. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 1997. - #1. - P. 89-94.
    There are considered the input data control possibilities of using (special) features in the ORACLE - Data Base Control System. The advisability is substantiated, and there are offered the ways of creating the standard tools for programming the complex control checks. Refs.: 5 titles.

UDC 681.324
The direct method for serialization provizion of the distributed schedule in transaction management systems / Aliev A.A., Nikitin A.I., Pleskach V.L. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. -1997. - #1. - P. 94-100.
    The method of serialization provision of the distributed schedule is considered, which is based on the insertion idea of mechanism direct control of some subtransaction management systems on the cycle absent in the graph corresponding to this set. Fgs: 1 Refs: 4 titlesю

UDC 681.51.57
Some symbol Information Input Characteristics Estimations on the Basis of OCR - Technologies / Kuzmenko G.Y., lytvynov V.A., Maystrenko S.Y. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 1997. - #1. - P. 104-107.
    Some problems of the symbol information input are researched, using the OCR - technologies. The relationship for estimating the filtration total precision when the erroneous information multistep passing through the filters is carried out.
    The requirements of the steps of automatic recognizing a text and the following "manual" corrector processing are analysed on the basis of the relationship. There are adduced the experimental data on the corrector processing efficiency. Tabl. 3. Refs.: 7 titles.

UDC 681.086
Application of the computer algebra system ANALYTIC-93 for the decision of the space problems of the theory of elasticity / Danutsa L.B., Kalyna E.A., Lyachov A.L. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 1997. - #1. - P. 100-104.
    The problem is decided about the stress state of the piece-homogeneous body with using the computer algebra system ANALYTIC-93, oriented to applying the numerical-analytical methods. There are given graphics of the stress distribution on the body surface under the verticaly directed load. Ill. 6. Refs.: 9 titles.

UDC 681.322.06
The methode of building the generalized algoritmic model of the complex system for special assignment / Mitrachovich M.M. // Mathematical Machines and Systems.- 1997.- #1. - P. 107-112.
    This article is devoted to the solving problems of the formalized formation of the generalized complex systems algoritmic model for special assigment. The work contains the fuctionalities discription methodics of the special use complex systems based on capabilities. Refs: 9 titles.

UDC 681.3.61
The fast lossless compression algorithm for raster medical images / Vitaley V.Vishnevskey, Igor V.Baglay // Mathematical Machines and Systems.- 1997.- #1. - P. 112-114.
    It is described compression algorithm for raster digitized halftone images which was derived from widely known DCA algorithm. 2 tables. Refs: 2 titles.

Quality, reliability and certification of the computerechnique and software

UDC 681.14
Method of construction of the complete checking tests for electrical assembly circuits / V. Strelnikov, A. Fedukhin // Mathematical Machines and Systems.-1997. - #1. - P. 115-124.
    The new approach to diagnostics of the electrical assembly circuits, carried out as printed or wiring ones is developed.
    Use of the mathematical apparatus of diagnostic of malfunctions of the logic circuits allows correctly to generate the checking tests and to analyze their completeness concerning malfunctions of a type breakage and short circuit of any complexity. 7 figs. Refs: 4 titles.
       Last modified: May 18, 2010