UDC 519.237.5
The main problems of regression models formation / Lapach S.M.,
Radchenko S.G. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2012. - N 4. - P. 125 - 133.
The problems of regression models formation at the stages of experiment design, preliminary and final model specification, model identification stage and evaluation of result model quality were formulated. The fundamental principles of regression analysis and design of experiment were worked out and described. These principles allow solving the mentioned problems. Tabl.: 3. Refs.: 19 titles.
UDC 681.3.00:007
Modeling of the external environment parameters influence on the flu epidemiological process / ARVI / Eremenko T.K., Pilipenko Yu.G. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2012. - N 4. - P. 134 - 141.
An approach to the study of environmental parameters influence on development of the flu epidemiological process / ARVI is proposed in the paper. The studies are based on the use of actual statistics, the main statements of the epidemiology theory and multiple regression analysis methods. As an example, the results for the temperature as a medium parameter are given. Tabl.: 1. Figs.: 4. Refs.: 10 titles.
UDC 004.02+004.03+004.05+005.93
Process approaches to the modeling in information security risk management field / Rodin Ye.S. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2012. - N 4. - P. 142 - 148.
Working peculiarities of the most common models for information security risk assessment in distributed information systems were revealed. The analysis process approaches of outlined methodologies and approaches to the results formalization of information security risk assessment were analized. It was pointed out the imperfections of described methodologies; the principles of more functionally and mathematically based models of risk management information security were proposed. Tabl.: 1. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 9 titles.
UDC 004.9:504:519.6
The inhomogeneities surface temperature influence on heat exchange air with the Earth / Kovalets I.V. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2012. - N 4. - P. 149 - 155.
In the paper, the air flow process from the cold water surface onto the warm land surface was simulated. The comparisons of calculations with measurements were performed as well. The calculations show that the heat flux in the narrow coastal zone may be more than 20% higher than the values of heat fluxes calculated from the assumption of horizontal homogeneity of the surface layer. Thus, the horizontal inhomogeneity of the atmosphere must be taken into account in the calculation of the cooling water, the horizontal size of which has a scale of ~100 m. Figs.: 4: Refs.: 9 titles.
UDC 355.45
Investigation of function objects' destruction of different classes for target distribution tasks / Komarova L.O., Nevolnichenko A.I. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2012. - N 4. - P. 156 - 167.
The results of the functional dependency analysis "combat effects - the cost of funds" for fire damage objects of different classes and use recommendations for the typical mission formalization of optimal target assignment and its solution by automated troop and command system are given in the article. Refs.: 2 titles.
UDC 004.2
Mathematical models supporting pulsed fire and explosion protection for chemical factory / Kryazhych O.O., Zahmatov V.D. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2012. - N 4. - P. 168 - 174.
The variant of supporting pulsed fire and explosion protection for chemical factory modeling was considered in the article. Localization models of the active element with the help of pulse means in different variants of the accident development and errors aiming modeling were introduced. There were made conclusions according to practical implementation of the models and study's perspectives. Figs.: 3. Refs.: 10 titles.
UDC 519.8.3
Two approaches to substantiation of the choice of designed decisions / Moroz-Podvorchan I.G. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2012. - N 4. - P. 175 - 181.
The criterion and comprehensive approaches to substantiation of the choice of designed decisions are considered. It is pointed out the principal differences of these methods concerning structure and instrumental possibilities. It is showed that in a general case the comprehensive approach is more efficient than criterion one. Refs.: 10 titles.