Mathematical Machines and Systems. 2016 #1
UDC 004.2; 004.3; 681.5
Application of FPGA to build computing systems and their components / M.V. Nesterenko, V.V. Yeresko, Yu.S. Yakovlev // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2016. – N 1. – P. 3 – 15.
The practical applications of FPGA to create different kinds of controllers (including embedded), interfaces and other computing equipment are considered in this paper. Development of FPGA-based distributed computing systems (including special applications) is described as well. The highest priority and perspective areas of FPGAs using for these purposes are given in this article. Refs.: 34 titles.
UDC 004.855:519.216
Reproduction of causal networks on the basis of Markov properties analysis /
O.S. Balabanov // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2016. – N 1. – P. 16 – 26.
We characterize an independence-based approach to causal model inference from data. In contrast to regression, methods of this approach are aimed to asymptotically correctly recover a generative model. The merit of independence-based methods is inherent decomposition of model inference. This results in reducing dimensionality of statistics used as well as problem hardness. Aiming to enhance efficiency of methods we devise a few resolutions which facilitate contraction a space of search for separator and reducing a hardness of edge verification. The resolutions are grounded on necessary requirements on a member of locally-minimal d-separator. Efficiency of methods developed is demonstrated via few examples. Principles for verification of method effectiveness and model adequacy are presented. Таbl.: 1. Figs.: 4. Refs.: 24 titles.
UDC 623.764
Organization of Advanced ISR Systems by High-Level Networking Technology /
P.S. Sapaty // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2016. – N 1. – P. 27 – 38.
With the world dynamics growing rapidly in the ХХІ st century, advanced Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) systems are becoming of paramount significance to predict, analyze and withstand unexpected situations and conflicts. ISR is also the most important component of military systems for planning and management of operations of any complexity and coverage. The paper discusses organization of large distributed ISR systems based on a high-level networking technology effectively converting the distributed world into a parallel spatial supercomputer. The latter allows us to quickly present concise knowledge on the problems occurred instead of a huge amount of raw data which is difficult to analyze and generalize by conventional means. This material has been partially reported at recent international ISR and Night Vision conferences in London, United Kingdom. Figs.: 15. Refs.: 18 titles.
UDC 519.81, 519.8;004.94
Simulation the process of ranking of alternatives of hierarchies analysis method by means of constructive and productive structures / V.I. Shynkarenko, T.M. Vasetska // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2016. – N 1. – P. 39 – 47.
The formalization of the constructive process of ranking of alternatives for decision making by the classical method of hierarchies analysis is made. The method of constructive and productive structures is used for formalization. All the elements of the process, the connections between them, and its constructive features are selected in the process of formalization. The proposed formalization allows modifying and improving the process of ranking with unchanged basis of the analytic hierarchy process. Refs.: 15 titles.
UDC 680.3
Situational centers. Concepts and definitions / A.O. Morozov // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2016. – N 1. – P. 48 – 54.
The fundamental principles of situational centers (SC) constructing for different purposes are regarded in the paper. The basic definitions and concepts related to the design of the SC and its performance features, as well as the definition of the SC. Figs.: 3. Refs.: 7 titles.
UDC 519.711:004.942/669(477)
Simulation of factors influence on the metallurgical industry of Ukraine in the Global Trade Analysis Project programme / A.M. Krivogub, K.V. Novoderezhkina // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2016. – N 1. – P. 55 – 70.
Simulation of factors influence on the metallurgical industry in the Global Trade Analysis Project programme was considered in the paper. The analysis to assess the factors influence on the economy of Ukraine in general and directly to the metallurgical industry was performed. These tasks are advisable to calculate at the Situation Centre to find optimal and effective solutions. Таbl.: 20. Refs.: 8 titles.
UDC 336.012.23:[330.322+330.341.1]
Financial engineering as a tool of innovative activity in investment projects /
V.Ye. Kraskevych, A.V. Selivanova // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2016. – N 1. – P. 71 – 78.
It is considered an algorithm of investment efficiency analysis with the help of which one can identify possible risks and select investment projects that would correspond to the interests and abilities of the business entity (Customer). Таbl.: 3. Figs.: 3. Refs.: 4 titles.
UDC 336.69
Estimation of financial stability of commercial banks by fuzzy method of maximin convolution and their ranking / R.R. Rzayev, Z.R. Jamalov, S.T. Babayeva, I.R. Rzayeva // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2016. – N 1. – P. 79 – 88.
The technique of estimating the activity of commercial banks under the conditions of uncertainty is proposed. As an alternative, there were selected four commercial banks characterized by their data on financial performance for the year. To assess the current financial stability of given alternatives and their subsequent rankings there was applied the method of maximin convolution. Таbl.: 3. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 6 titles.
UDC 519.233.6
Change impact assessment in the tax code to tax potential based on fuzzy inference applying method / M.A. Agamaliev, A.A. Aliyev, N.A. Askerov // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2016. – N 1. – P. 89 – 105.
A universal method for finding a consolidated change impact assessment in the Tax сode to tax potential based on fuzzy inference applying method was worked out. As the initial information the expert assessments on a 100-point evaluation system were used. The proposed estimation methodology is approved on the example of changes in the Tax сode of the Azerbaijan Republic in 2013. Таbl.: 2. Figs.: 4. Refs.: 8 titles.
UDC 517.958:532.72
“FlowRan” software package for the study of diffusion flows in random layered structures / O.Yu. Chernukha, V.Ye. Honcharuk, Yu.I. Biluschak, A.Ye. Davydok // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2016. – N 1. – P. 106 – 119.
“FlowRan” software package is developed. It is oriented on solving boundary problems of diffusion in two-phase randomly nonhomogeneous three- and multilayered bodies for determination of distributions of the diffusion flows averaged over both the ensemble of realization of random structure and stochastic thickness of inclusions. The functional options of “FlowRan” software package are presented. Its destination and application features are described. Figs.: 17. Refs.: 20 titles.
UDC 004.942
Environmental Monitoring Information System of the National Natural Park “Vyzhnitsky” / S.V. Golub, M.V. Talakh, V.I Stratii // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2016. – N 1. – P. 120 – 128.
The article presents the results of research in population dynamics of Lepus europaeus Pall depending on weather and climatic factors in the national park “Vyzhnytsky” during the period of 2002–2013 years with the help of monitoring information system. Our analysis provides evidence in favor of a negative relationship between population dynamics of studied population of Lepus europaeus Pall and maximum temperature in September. At the same time, increased rainfall in September, has a positive effect on the number of Lepus europaeus Pall. population during the study period within the territory of national park. Таbl.: 2. Fig.: 1. Refs.: 22 titles.
UDC 519.237.5
Regression analysis. Process approach / S.M. Lapach // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2016. – N 1. – P. 129 – 138.
Building of regression models, from the formalization to their use is considered in terms of process control, in other words, the process approach. Its use makes it possible to consider the process of constructing empirical mathematical models as a whole and reasonably determine quality criteria both each process and technology in general. Tabl.: 5. Fig.: 1. Refs.: 12 titles.
UDC 519.233.5
Statistical efficiency and sustainability of models in the regression analysis /
S.G. Radchenko // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2016. – N 1. – P. 139 – 147.
Solution of basic problems of regression analysis – the obtaining of statistically efficient and stable models is stated. Solutions are presented for real applied conditions of complex systems and processes which are characterized by considerable indeterminacy. It is shown that the use of conditions of models obtaining for their certain class and extended conception of orthogonality is the basic approach in the obtained solutions. Refs.: 16 titles.
UDC 004.942
Approximation of complex functions to describe the development of the local emergency / O.O. Kryazhych // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2016. – N 1. – P. 148 – 157.
An option of piecewise-polynomial approximation using the method of “possible directions” is examined in the paper. The possibility of using G. Zoutendijk method for solving problems of description of complex functions was regarded. The approach for description of ravine objective functions was proposed. This approach can be used for detailed visualization of the distribution of damage zones of highly toxic substances in case of industrial disaster. Refs.: 5 titles.
UDC 621.3.019.3
On the question of modeling of reliability of restorable quasi-bridged structure taking into account the trend of parameters of components reliability / O.V. Fedukhіn, V.P. Pasko, Ar.A. Mukha // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2016. – N 1. – P. 158 – 167.
The article is devoted to further researches of quasi-bridged reliability structure taking into account the trend of parameters of components reliability. The results of modeling the structure with a large number of nodes are presented and discussed. Tabl.: 2. Figs.: 7. Refs.: 7 titles.
UDC 004.89:614.841.4
Evolutionary method of formation an optimal set of rescue equipment / V.M. Kryshtal,
V.Ye. Snytuk // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2016. – N 1. – P. 168 – 174.
Formation of rescue equipment is an actual task of multicriteria optimization, which is solved in terms of financial and resource shortages. An evolutionary method of the optimum set of such equipment determination is proposed in the paper. Since this method is parametric, thus the basic aspects of potential solutions formation based on the principle of protectionism are suggested. Refs.: 7 titles.