Mathematical Machines and Systems. 2018 #2
UDC 620.9.004.18
Development of energy-saving LED lighting system for metro coaches / A.O. Morozov, V.P. Klymenko, V.B. Korbut, M.G. Ievlev, V.G. Butko // Mathematical machines and systems. – 2018. – N 2. – P. 3 – 20.
The main technical solutions used under the development and implementation of energy-saving LED lighting systems for metro coaches of the Kurenivsko-Chervonoarmiyska Lines of Kyiv Metro, and the results of operating lighting systems for metro coaches developed and implemented by IPMMS are described. It is established that compared to standard lighting systems with fluorescent lamps, LED systems provide energy savings of 3.5 times and an increase in illumination more than 1,5 times. Таbl.: 3. Figs.: 13. Refs.: 10 titles.
UDC 004.94; 004.4; 004.62
Integrated resource management of cloud data center based on virtual machines /
E.V. Zharikov // Mathematical machines and systems. – 2018. – N 2. – P. 21 – 32.
The complexity of cloud data centers requires advanced resource management solutions to provide continuous service and to ensure performance guarantees. The proposed Integrated Resource Management approach of cloud data center provides the necessary elasticity on the physical machine level by considering data center power consumption and a service-level agreement violation. The Integrated Resource Management approach is based on the state-space dynamic model, power consumption model, SLA violation model, and capacity control method. The analysis is performed using Google cluster-usage traces. The results show that Integrated Resource Management approach allows achieving energy savings while minimizing SLA violations. Fig.: 1. Refs.: 20 titles.
UDC 528.06
Improved method of combining data on the basis of the Dempster-Shafer theory under conflicting data / S.I. Alpert // Mathematical machines and systems. – 2018. – N 2. – P. 33 – 39.
Dempster’s rule of combination is the most popular rule of combinations, because it processes incomplete and uncertain data. But this rule can not deal with highly conflicted information. Combination method of Murphy can deal with conflicting bodies of evidence, it calculates the mean of the basic probability assignment. But this method also has some disadvantage. Correlation among various evidences is not taken into account. It was proposed a new improved combination method. Based on the Dempster-Shafer theory, a new method has the advantage of simple calculation and high accuracy. Refs.: 20 titles.
UDC 519.712.3
Identification of anomalies in network traffic on the based of neural network modeling of the dynamics of volume changes of IP packets / V.I. Hasanov // Mathematical machines and systems. – 2018. – N 2. – P. 40 – 45.
It is considered a neural network method for predicting of network traffic in order to detect and evaluate possible anomalous into the volumes of IP packets. In the context of the network traffic management system, the feedforward neural network model is proposed, which allows to extrapolate network traffic and, thus, to predict the values of its volumes for a short-term period of validity. Таbl.: 1. Figs.: 3. Refs.: 7 titles.
UDC 004.94
Information technology of block simulation modeling of automated systems under conditions of uncertainty of input information / V.V. Lytvynov, A.O. Zadorozhnii,
I.V. Bogdan // Mathematical machines and systems. – 2018. – N 2. – P. 46 – 55.
Information technology of block simulation modeling of automated systems, its main stages and constituent elements and tools that enable the creation of block simulation models with two fold architecture within information technology are discussed in the paper. The proposed architecture gives opportunity to create both control-level blocks intended for controlling model time, and functional blocks, in the form of mathematical expressions and using inductive methods as well. Figs.: 8. Refs.: 4 titles.
UDC 620.9.004.18
Basic functions and composition of the training smart-system and user interface /
Yu.S. Yakovlev, L.I. Kurzantseva // Mathematical machines and systems. – 2018. – N 2. – P. 56 – 71.
The basic functions of the training smart-system and its user interface are defined, as well as its basic structure, the composition of the student's workplace, and the generalized algorithm of interaction of the student with the system are defined. An offered training smart system supports the learning process in accordance with the objectives of the training. It has the ability to expand by integrating virtual simulators and laboratories into it to form the necessary knowledge, skills and professional competencies for students. The application of the proposed interface will increase the effectiveness of the learning process, in particular, student performance and learning speed, and will develop a cognitive-complex thinking that allows them to find a short and rational way to solve problems. Tabl.: 7. Figs.: 4. Refs.: 19 titles.
UDC 681.3
Criteria and models for assessing the corrective properties of the reference spelling dictionary under automatic correction of typical user errors / V.A. Lytvynov,
S.Ya. Maistrenko, K.V. Hurtsylava, S.V. Kostenko // Mathematical machines and systems. – 2018. – N 2. – P. 72 – 82.
The logical and probability model of detected error correction in spell checking system is considered; the criterion of assessment of the correction properties of the reference spelling dictionary is being formed. Simulation and analytical models for assessment of values of the right and false correction in relation to the typical typing errors is proposed, results of modeling for the selected dictionaries of the Russian and Ukrainian languages are given. The correlation between values of indicators of the correction and verification properties is discussed. Таbl.: 2. Figs.: 5. Refs.: 9 titles.
UDC 004.9:004.75
Methods to Build Optimal Database Model / Yu.M. Lysetskyi // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2018. – N 2. – P. 83 – 87.
The paper considers the search for optimal database models and effective ways of their building. Traditional data models are considered and their limitations and shortcomings are revealed during implementation in modern information systems. The main points of relational database normalization theory are studied as well as essential requirements to optimal database model are defined. Fig.: 1. Refs.: 6 titles.
UDC 004.896
Biometric identification of a person according to his/her electrocardiogram /
V.V. Vyshnevsky, T.M. Romanenko, L.A. Kizub // Mathematical machines and systems. – 2018. – N 2. – P. 88 – 95.
The paper deals with the algorithm of biometric identification of a person according to his/her electrocardiogram (ECG) using a neural network for the classification of characteristic features that were found during approximating parametric splines of three-dimensional arcs that correspond to QRS complexes. Figs.: 4. Refs.: 10 titles.
UDC 004.896
Models of agent-oriented systems of situational management / O.E. Kovalenko // Mathematical machines and systems. – 2018. – N 2. – P. 96 – 102.
The paper reviews key models of systems of situation management design based on agent-oriented approach. The models for agent-oriented situation centers based on evolutionary functional principle are proposed. The elements and specifics are defined for proposed models. Common mechanism of formal knowledge application for multiagent systems management is defined. Promising directions for future research are outlined. Fig.: 1. Refs.: 12 titles.
UDC 528.9
On the question of calculation of meteorological conditions in the Amazon cloud infrastructure / O.O. Polonsky // Mathematical machines and systems. – 2018. – N2. – P. 103 – 109.
A methodology has been developed and tested in practice that allows forecasting meteorological conditions in the Amazon cloud infrastructure and after adaptation in other modern cloud infrastructures. Figs.: 7. Refs.: 8 titles.
UDC 004.7
Investigation of methods of increasing reliability of data transmission in TCP/IP protocol stacks of public management systems / R.B. Andrushchenko, A.D. Beskostyi, S.V. Zaitsev, Ya.Yu. Usov, M.A. Pysmeniuk // Mathematical machines and systems. – 2018. – N 2. – P. 110 – 118.
The TCP/IP protocol stack and the OSI model have already proved their reliability and relatively simplicity in data transmitting over the computer networks. However in case of presence of the excessive noise in the data transmitting channel, the additional methods of increasing of data reliability are required. The paper analyzes the existing methods of increasing the reliability of data transmission in computer networks based on TCP/IP protocol family using anti-jamming coding techniques. It discovers the characteristics of their functionality, advantages and disadvantages; considers the main directions of research in this area. Figs.: 7. Refs.: 16 titles.
UDC 519.712.3
Assessment of the current creditworthiness of individuals on the basis of expert assessments of their solvency ratios / A.A. Aliyev // Mathematical machines and systems. – 2018. – N 2. – P. 119 – 132.
It is proposed a balanced approach to the assessment of the credit capacity of individuals, which is based on the use of three methods of assessing their current solvency, including a weighted summation of expert assessments of solvency, as well as fuzzy methods of inference and maximin convolution. Tabl.: 4. Refs.: 8 titles.
UDC 528.9
Simulation of accident scenarios at nuclear power plants using the RODOS / I.V. Kovalets, Ye.O. Ievdin, R.O. Synkevych, O.I. Udovenko // Mathematical machines and systems. – 2018. – N 2. – P. 133 – 140.
A set of scenarios for severe accidents at Ukrainian NPPs is considered in the work. Based on the classification of meteorological conditions related to the distribution of atmospheric pollution, the simulations of the consequences of accidents were made using the example of Rivne NPP for typical meteorological scenarios and the maximum possible levels of radioactive contamination were estimated. The results of calculations showed the possibility of using modeling to calculate risks for the population in the zones of influence of Ukrainian NPPs, taking into account the geographic features of the terrain, the distribution of the population and the meteorological situation during the accident. Таbl.: 1. Figs.: 7. Refs.: 7 titles.
UDC 551.508.85 (551.576 +551.577)
The matrix of extension of radar-location channel under the radar-location observation of navigational objects on the vessel's track / V.G. Putiatin, D.V. Korban, O.I. Knyaz // Mathematical machines and systems. – 2018. – N 2. – P. 141 – 147.
The article analyzes the effect of surrounding at accuracy of radar-location polarization measurements in a certain part of the radar-location channel associated with the radiation and reception of antenna shipboard radar-location station (RLS) of high frequency polarization radar-location signals spreading in the surrounding from the antenna to the navigation object and back. If there is certain information about the navigation object, it is easy to realize the measurement of the matrices of forward or backward propagation. The more radar-location system has semantics and pragmatics, the more reasons for analyzing radar-location information channel, the firmer and stronger connections between the radar-location shipboard complex and surrounding of electromagnetic wave spreading. Signals semantic system applied to the ship RLS corresponds to a priori information about the correlation of source signals from navigation objects, background signals and noise parameters to be treated of the echo signal, which determines the characteristics of the procedure of radar-location navigation objects. It is shown that if the direct or inverse distribution matrix is defined, so the scattering matrix of the navigation object is determined easily. Using matrix representations describing the polarization state of incident on a navigation object, and the scattered waves from it using four real Stokes parameters gave an opportunity to establish the degree of influence of the radar signal propagation conditions on the accuracy of measurement of the characteristics of radar-location navigation objects. Refs.: 5 titles.
UDC [37.091.26]:004.9
Analysis of random number generators in R language from the position of modeling data on the logistic model of Rasha / O.O. Dykhovychny, N.V. Kruglova, I.V. Alekseeva // Mathematical machines and systems. – 2018. – N 2. – P. 148 – 156.
This article explores and analyzes pseudorandom numbers generators (PRNG) and quasi-random sequences(QRS) which are realized in the statistical programming language R, from the point of view of possible matrix modeling described by logistic Rasch modeling. Modeling of such matrixes is critical for imitational modeling of educational testing results and sociological surveys. It is demonstrated which specific PRNG and (QRS) are suitable for such modeling. Таbl.: 2. Refs.: 11 titles.
UDC 004.02
On the determination of discontinuity points on distorted graphs of functions /
A.V. Sharypanov // Mathematical machines and systems. – 2018. – N 2. – P. 157 – 168.
Based on the assumption that the phenomenon of variable resolution is used in human visual perception for image segmentation, in particular graphs, a new method for finding discontinuities in the graph is proposed. The graph is processed under several resolutions. Intervals containing jump discontinuities are located. The final decision on segmentation is made on the basis of joint consideration of all partial answers at all resolutions. The results of testing the efficiency of the new algorithm on the example of cardiac signal segmentation are presented. Figs.: 10. Refs.: 13 titles.
UDC 621.3.019.3
Suppoting survivability of emergency control systems at hydroelectric power stations / O.V. Fedukhin, Ar.A. Mukha // Mathematical machines and systems. – 2018. – N 2. – P. 169 – 194.
The article is devoted to further studies of the safety and survivability of emergency control systems of hydroelectric power plants. The analysis of the problem state of ensuring the safety and survivability of critical infrastructures such as hydroelectric power stations has been carried out and recommendations for improving the survivability of computerized systems of emergency control at modern hydroelectric power stations have been developed. Таbl.: 2. Figs.: 9. Refs.: 33 titles.