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Mathematical Machines and Systems. 2019 #3


UDC 004.91

Dodonov O.G., Nikiforov O.V., Putiatin V.G. Trends and problems of the development of automation military forces control. Mathematical machines and systems. 2019. N 3. P. 3–16. 

The constantly growing capabilities of the means and, consequently, the transience and scope of the armed struggle processes, lead to the need to automate the control functions of the military forces. The problematic situation that has developed in the military administration at the present stage is characterized: on the one hand, the exhaustion of human abilities regarding the simultaneous processing of diverse information (the first kind information limit has been reached), and on the other hand – the achievement of the limit on organizational parallelization of management tasks (the second kind information limit has come). The solution to this problem is seen, above all, in expanding the scope of automation equipment application. Their role should be reduced to the introduction of adaptive automatisms into the military forces control processes, new management mechanisms (methods), as based on the development of mathematical models and methods. The paper presents the results of the analysis of the state of controlling forces mathematical models and methods used in modern automated control systems (ACS). The authors note a gap between the results of making strategic (operational) decisions and the setting up of automated force control algorithms at the tactical level. Due to the insufficient development of the scientific and methodological apparatus used in the ACS of the troops, there are: insufficiently effective forecasting of the course of the fighting; inadequate assessment of the situation; incompletely relevant or misguided decision recommendations. The software of the ACS of the troops does not sufficiently provide multifactorial operational and tactical calculations of combat action plans and operations, which take into account such important features of organizational management as the activity of lower-level government (having their own control objectives and freedom regarding the implementation choice of the tasks set by the higher level) the distribution of decision-making acts. On the base of carried out analysis, the authors formulated the priority development ways of the scientific and methodological apparatus for creating a promising automated force control system that combines strategic, operational and tactical controls into a single information and functional circuit. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 37 titles.


Sapaty P.S. Mosaic Warfare: from philosophy to model to solutions. Mathematical machines and systems. 2019. N 3. P. 17–34. 

The paper relates to advanced management of large distributed dynamic systems in unpredictable and crisis situations. It briefs the newest DARPA Mosaic Warfare concept oriented on rapidly composable networks of low-cost sensors, multi-domain command and control nodes, and cooperative manned and unmanned systems, with runtime integration of scattered resources which should operate together as one holistic system. It may have the highest value for solving complex national and international defense and security problems for which scattered throughout the world  mosaic resources should be quickly integrated to collectively fight disaster and crisis situations, with separate nations unable of doing this individually. The paper shows how distributed mosaic systems can be modeled under the developed Spatial Grasp Technology (SGT) using active distributed knowledge networks, with solving such exemplary problems on them as runtime collection of scattered resources into integral forces operating under unified control, and grouping of certain distributed resources for the surrounding and collective elimination of unwanted phenomena. Of practical importance may be mosaics-related approaches using massive robotics with unmanned units behaving as tiles in distributed environments. Explained is how to assemble teams of UCAVs intelligently swarming, self-restructuring, and collectively observing territory with collecting and impacting the targets discovered. Another SGT scenario is organizing automatic fight of an aerial swarm with another group/swarm without external control. Also shown how broken into pieces the moving platoon of unmanned vehicles, due to road situations, is self-recomposing into a normal platoon chain, with vehicles symbolically considered as mosaic tiles. The paper also explains advantages of using SGT for implementation of different mosaics features. Figs.: 21. Refs.: 67 titles.

UDC 528.854:519.722:004.93:004.62

Popov M.O., Artiushyn L.M., Topolnytsky M.V., Tytarenko O.V., Shmorgun Yu.V. Integrating of heterogeneous geospatial data based on the Dempster-Scheifer theory of evidence. Mathematical machines and systems. 2019. N 3. P. 35–46.

The article deals with an approach towards integration of geospatial data based on the unified research and methodical platform – the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence. The article presents a structural chart of heterogeneous geospatial data integration which enables a consecutive integration of such data at three basic levels: physical, logical-semantic and decision-making. It analyzes peculiarities of heterogeneous geospatial data integration at physical and logical-semantic levels as well as particulars of their integration at the level of hypotheses (decisions) within the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence which envisages a relevant conflict description that can potentially break out in case of controversial evidences (hypotheses) as well as obtaining interval evaluation of the event likelihood of occurrence, which, in its turn, requires development and selection of certain rules allowing its precise calculation in the determined interval. Besides, the article sets forth general limitations of integration and new approaches to efficiency of topical tasks evaluation that basically include calculation of the uncertainty levels at three different levels: information sources, combined (integrated) distributions of hypotheses and decision-making. The article presents a structural-logical chart of a new approach enabling to consider hypotheses correlation and coordination, conflicts of geospatial data sources. It also provides examples of geospatial data integration to classical (the Dempster’s combination rule) and author’s methods during search for hydrocarbon deposits and identification of compact artificial objects. The article proves the efficiency of the proposed method. It defines conditions and restrictions for its use. Figs.: 8. Refs.: 21 titles.

UDC 681.518.5

Druzhynin О.О., Nekhai V.V., Prila O.A. Facebook text posts classification with TensorFlow. Mathematical machines and systems. 2019. N 3. P. 47–54.

Today, one of the main trends in the development of the Internet is the growing popularity of social networks. More and more people «create ties» with each other, and as a result, the number of users of social networks grows in geometric progression. Now, it's hard to find a person who does not have his own page on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Increasingly, people interact in virtual space due to different circumstances. In these circumstances, the use of social networks as a source of information, in addition, to prevent cyber-attacks or to determine the degree of threat (sentiment, attitude) towards the object under study is becoming very relevant. Many people do not imagine their lives without social networks: there we review the latest news, learn about the latest innovations in the market, read educational articles, share information with our friends, follow the latest events that have occurred in their lives, etc. Natural language processing (NLP) is one of the most important technologies of the XXI century. Machine Comprehension is a very interesting but challenging task in both Natural Language Processing (NLP) and artificial intelligent (AI) research. NLP can be applied wherever human-machine interaction is needed. Recently, deep learning methods show good results in tasks involving NLP. Standard models can often be used to solve a range of tasks, without the need to apply traditional analytical engineering techniques. The widespread distribution of social networks and the large number of users could give us impressive results, which can further build system interests analysis with a large number of established trust relationships. In this article, we will consider the task of classifying texts in relation to the object under study using the TensorFlow framework. Таbl.: 1. Figs.: 6. Refs.: 18 titles.



UDC 681.513

Brovarets O.O. The method of electrical conductivity calculation using information and technical system of local operational monitoring. Mathematical machines and systems. 2019. N 3. P. 55–66. 

Modern agriculture involves the implementation of a particular technological operation, according to the appropriate map-task, which is developed pre-based on diverse information. Knowledge of a certain structure of soil cover variability, obtained using information and technical systems of local operational monitoring of agrobiological state of agricultural lands, allows to adopt effective operational decisions for efficient management of agrobiological potential of agricultural lands. Obviously, under such conditions, there is a need for fundamentally new approaches to agricultural production, which is to ensure the proper quality of technological operations. The quality of the implementation of technological operations is an integral indicator of the efficiency of production of agricultural products within the agrobiological field. The necessary quality of implementation of the basic technological processes in plant growing is provided by the integrated information and technical systems of operational monitoring of the agrobiological state of agricultural lands. In the context of this, the task is to obtain reliable data on the agrobiological state of the soil environment by reducing the error in determining the magnitude of the conductive properties of the soil, providing individual stabilization of the working electrodes and the mechanism of lifting/lowering working electrodes, copying inequalities of the soil environment, reducing the intensity of the destruction of the soil structure , self-cleaning of the working contact of the electrode and ensuring the stability of the electrical contact of the electrode with the soil, by instrument design perfection. The task is achieved by using the information and technical system of operational monitoring of the soil environment of the structure to determine the conductive characteristics of the soil environment. Figs.: 7. Refs.: 20 titles.

UDC 004.891.2

Kovalenko O.E. Knowledge based design of convergent systems of situational management. Mathematical machines and systems. 2019. N 3. P. 67–74. 

Aimful activity is based on knowledge, and this knowledge includes both general and situational-specific knowledge of the target domain. The use of knowledge in relevant areas of activity ensures the effectiveness of the process of creating a system of situational management. The design of a modern integrated system of situational management is focused on its purpose and is controlled by events, and such systems must be specifically configured to solve actual problems in various situations. Design is a stage in the life cycle of developing a system and implements the process of determining the system architecture in accordance with its purpose and meeting certain requirements. Situational management activities related to the consolidation and processing of information of heterogeneous origin for obtaining semantic information. The implementation and harmonization of various components of the organization’s activities into a single architecture is carried out by convergence. Convergence can be achieved on the basis of a hierarchical modeling approach by creating a system of models describing various aspects of the target system of situational management using an appropriate knowledge model. Processes of convergence are based on useful values and principles accumulated by various technologies during their development. The process of situational management can be considered as a chain of increasing the value of information, and the situational decision is essentially an information product. The paper discussed an approach based on knowledge of situational management and the design of situational management systems. The result of the situational management process can be considered as an information product of the project activity. The paper proposes architectural models for constructing convergent systems of situational management using the knowledge of the subject area. Таbl.: 3. Figs.: 3. Refs.: 12 titles.

UDC 519.711

Samsonov V.V., Silvestrov A.M. On the possibility of minimizing the number of hydrometeorological stations. Mathematical machines and systems. 2019. N 3. P. 75–85. 

The task of minimizing the number of stationary hydrometeorological stations (HMS) without significant loss of weather forecast quality may be relevant both from the standpoint of cost indicators and for solving a special forecast task in an area where it is not desirable or impossible to install a stationary HMS, for example, on the airport runway. The article proposes a solution to this problem by temporarily installing a mobile HMS at a given point, impossible for installing a stationary HMS, point of the territory and determining (based on statistical analysis) a more or less reliable relationship between the indicators of hydrometeorological temporal HMS and stationary HMS located nearby. For successful solving of this complex problem, it is necessary to reconcile two contradictory criteria: the indicator of the weather forecast accuracy at a given point and the minimum complexity indicator and, as a result, the correct identification of the structure and parameters of the forecast model. The article discusses the top three tasks: the first is the construction of a simple and adequate structure of the model structure; the second is an adequate evaluation of its parameters in case of inaccurate noisy measurements of the state of the process; the third is filtering, without a mistake, the study of the useful component of the signals, which takes place due to the filter inertia that exists when filtering noise and the forecast of filtered variables. Thus, the article presents the formulation and solution of these three tasks: by building the structure of a predictive model that takes into account the physical essence of natural processes and has a minimum number of unknown parameters; by building a method of unbiased and efficient estimation of the parameters of this model from noisy measurements of object state variables; by constructing a filter predicate as a system with astatism of a given order and adaptation of filtering indicators to the nonstationarity (heteroscedasticity) of the noise component of signals. Таbl.: 2. Figs.: 8. Refs.: 10 titles.

                          SIMULATION AND MANAGEMENT

UDC 004.5; 004.8

Yakovlev Yu.S., Kurzantseva L.I. Model of user’s smart education system and evaluation of its implementation. Mathematical machines and systems. 2019. N 3. P. 86–100.

A formalized approach to evaluate the implementation of smart education system at the design stage to determine the feasibility of its creation is proposed. There was presented a model of information education environment reflecting its architectural and structural organization and the functions it implements. The main structural components of the environment are the smart education system, the user’s smart interface and the hardware containing stationary computers, mobile devices, simulators, sensors and other components, as well as virtual tools for various purposes. The environment model is based on modern information technologies and it is described in the form of tuples. Mathematical interpretations of the architectural-structural models of the smart system, the user’s smart interface and technical means, also in the form of tuples, have been developed. The basic functions of a smart system and a smart interface are presented. Two methods have been developed: evaluation of the implementation of a smart system, a smart interface and hardware, as well as an assessment of the effectiveness of a smart system when teaching students. For the first method, criteria have been developed for the implementation of the designed objects, which include the coefficients of conformity, functionality, and comfort of a student and teacher. The feature of the first method is to evaluate each of the functions of objects by criteria, further select architectural-structural models, and identify their deficiencies in order to improve characteristics. The second method allows assessing the quality of the knowledge and skills of students who have studied a particular specialty using the analyzed smart systems, and is designed to select the optimal system from a number of alternative ones. Examples of the calculation of smart system performance estimates and conditions for the implementation of the smart environment are given. Таbl.: 4. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 12 titles.

UDC 519.61:621.3

Voloboev V.P., Klymenko V.P. The correct formulation of the physical problem and the poorly conditioned matrix. Mathematical machines and systems. 2019. N 3. P. 101–110. 

A new approach to the development of methods for solving ill-posed problems is considered, consisting in the fact that it is proposed to formulate the problem correctly, and not to solve the incorrect problem. Correct formulation is performed at the stage of compiling equations describing the physical object. It should be noted that the stage of compiling equations in modern literature is undeservedly ignored. By the example of calculating the electrical circuit, it is shown that the poor conditioning of the SLAE matrix depends on the characteristics of a particular electrical circuit, namely, the range of variation of the parameters of the components of the electrical circuit, as well as the generally accepted criterion for determining the incorrectness of a problem by poor conditioning of the matrix or proximity of the matrix to degeneracy there is a necessary, but not enough. It is determined that the mechanism for the occurrence of an incorrect formulation of a description of a linear electric circuit consists in the unsuccessful choice of variables when compiling a description of an electric circuit. It is proposed, with the correct formulation of the problem, to take into account the parameters of the components of a particular electric circuit when choosing variables of SLAEs at the stage of preparing the equations. It is shown that in the method of nodal potentials and its modifications it is impossible to realize a purposeful choice of variables in the preparation of equations. The requirements to the method of correctly formulating a description of a linear electric circuit are formulated. The calculation of the model example by the method in which the formulated requirements are realized confirmed the fact that the problem is correctly formulated, and the solution is stable even in the case of a poorly conditioned matrix. Fig.: 1. Refs.: 15 titles.

UDC 621.771.23-413

Ievlev M.G. Automatic control of sheet forming in plan on a reversing hot rolling mill. Mathematical machines and systems. 2019. N 3. P. 111–119.

The profitability of the production of plate rolling depends on the yield, which is largely determined by the shape of the plate in plan, i.e. the shape of the ends of the rental and fluctuations in width along the length of the strip, causing the end and side trim. A decrease in metal consumption requires a decrease in the side and end trim, which is possible when the shape of the rolled metal is approached in plan view to a rectangular one. The article discusses various ways to control the shape of the plate in terms of depending on the composition of the mill equipment. The study of the mathematical description of the formation of a plate in the plan with reference to the automated control system of the plate shape in the plan (CSPS) on a plate rolling mill is carried out. Mathematical models for the convexity arrow of rolling, mathematical models of natural broadening and tensile width, as well as the total broadening of the hire are given. The solution to the problem of automatic control of the plate shape in the plan by profiling wide faces of rolled metal is considered using the example of the control system of the plate shape in the plan (CSPS) for the plate reversible hot rolling mill 1500, which is a part of the ACS TP of the mill 1500. The main functions of the CSPS are to determine the profiling of rolled products thickness and positional control of the hydraulic pressure device. The control criterion is the deviation of the plate shape in the plan from the desired (rectangular). As a measure of approximating the shape of the plate to a rectangular plan, the convexity (concavity) of the front and rear ends of the plate is used. The approach to managing the plate form in the plan described in the paper was used in the development of automated control system of the plate shape in the plan (CSPS) on a number of plate mills. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 6 titles.

UDC 004.94

Zadorozhnii A.О., Dorosh M.S., Bohdan I.V., Svetenok L.K. Using the agent-oriented simulation  model finding route parameters in an automated public transport management system. Mathematical machines and systems. 2019. N 3. P. 120–128. 

Public transport is an important part of the infrastructure of any city. The level of development of transport, in particular the level of development of such ecological modes of transport, as trolleybuses and trams, affects the economic and environmental situation, as well as its tourist attractiveness. Over the time branching of public transport routes and the volume of passenger traffic which it serves increase significantly. Management of such infrastructure is becoming difficult task and, in such case, it is necessary to use automated management system. At present, there are a significant number of automated public transport management systems, but most of them do not have such an important function as finding of acceptable route parameters. Today, there are quite a lot of approaches to determining acceptable route parameters that are not universal and for each transport system it is necessary to choose their own set of methods. In current paper an analysis has been performed and automated public transport management system, which allows tracking the current position of public transport units, pay fare and search for acceptable parameters of public transport routes, has been proposed. Finding of acceptable route parameters is achieved by using of proposed simulation agent-oriented model with such parameters as the traffic interval and the amount of public transport vehicles on the route. The possibility of finding acceptable parameters of the route in such a way that the number of passengers at stops went to zero has been demonstrated on an example of one of the public transport routes. Performed experiments confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed model for solving problem of finding acceptable parameters of the route due to the organization of maintenance in such a way that the number of passengers at the stops was close to zero. Perspectives for further research are the extension of the developed system by increasing the number of input parameters and integrating it with other public transport management systems. Figs.: 7. Refs.: 12 titles.

UDC 004.9; 504.064.3

Avramenko A.S., Golub S.V. Decrease of time of model synthesis in intellectual monitoring systems. Mathematical machines and systems. 2019. N 3. P. 129–134.

The article investigates modern intellectual monitoring systems (IMS), which are able to predict the consequences of the adopted control decisions of decision support systems (DSS), thanks to the modeling of the characteristics of monitored objects. The drawbacks of existing implementations of IMS show when working in crisis monitoring. Since crisis monitoring imposes a number of restrictions on the speed of DSS and the high probability of failure of the trained IMS models, the use of existing implementations of IMS is problematic. The reasons of the existence of these shortcomings, and the algorithms with which it is connected lies in existing methodology. The paper investigates advantages and disadvantages of existing methods for the formation of inter-level relations in the IMS. A particular attention is paid to the method of classification of input data arrays (IDA) according to their characteristics, to the corresponding class of model synthesis algorithm (MSA). This paper proposes to improve the well-known method of classifying MIA by using unique adaptive classifiers for each of the MSA class. For testing, the proposed improvements implemented in a software package built at the department of intelligent decision-making systems at Bohdan Khmelnytsky Cherkasy National University. The monitored object for testing was selected from the results of observations of the disease incidence of the population of Cherkasy region during the years 2000–2016. To evaluate the performance of the method, the quality indicators obtained from the learning models and the learning speed were used. According to the test results, it was possible to achieve an increase in the learning rate of the system by 3-4 times, with insignificant losses in the quality of the final models obtained, not exceeding 4% of the modeling error. Таbl.: 1. Figs.: 3. Refs.: 8 titles. 

 UDC 519.769

Khudadova A.K. Multifactor assessment of universities competitiveness using fuzzy maximin convolution method. Mathematical machines and systems. 2019. N 3. P. 135–143.

The paper presents a description of the maximin convolution method for assessing the competitiveness of universities, provided that the assessment criteria used here are not only of different nature, but different significance as well. The modern market of educational services sets for universities the task of providing strong competitive positions. To solve this problem, it becomes necessary to assess the current level of competitiveness of the university in the context of its marketing space. The fuzzy model described in the paper, taking into account the main weakly structured indicators of the marketing environment, allows for a well-balanced ranking of universities according to their levels of competitiveness. If necessary, the model can be easily adapted to regional specifics and / or changed requirements of the customer (user). In the context of this study, the methodology of a non-standard task of determining the consistency of opinions of involved experts on a set of indicators of the marketing space for the subsequent identification of their generalized weights, which ultimately determine the priority or importance of the applied evaluation criteria, is considered. In other words, a new expert approach was proposed to determine the weighted coefficients of the estimated indicators of the marketing space, based on the application of heuristic knowledge. Its main advantage is that it covers a fairly wide range of important factors of the marketing space of the educational services market, which have a significant impact on the levels of competitiveness of universities. The research results can be used to assess the quality of the educational business process at universities, both at the regional and state levels. Таbl.: 3. Refs.: 3 titles.


UDC 621.3.019.3

Mukha Ar.A., Fedukhyn O.V. On the question of the reliability of computer systems with a quasi-structure. Mathematical machines and systems. 2019. N 3. P. 144–150. 

The paper discusses the use of a simple phenomenological model in order to determine the analytical dependence of the credibility functions of computer systems (CS), depending on the type of structures and their characteristics. Failures and outages in the operation of information management systems, as well as software flaws that were not detected during the design process, lead to errors that result in decreasing the credibility of calculations and, as a result, unpredictable behavior of the control system. For the first time, such a characteristic as “credibility” was included by A. Avizhenis (Algirdas Avizienis) in the list of basic attributes of the CS dependability. It is known that with increasing credibility of the functioning of CS, the credibility of the generated information or the control action on a controlled object (CO) increases as well, but for redundant CS the structures of which are characterized by the fault tolerance property do not have such direct relationship. Analysis of the structural reliability and credibility of the functioning of various redundant structures of the CS showed that the majority structures have a higher level of credibility of functioning compared to other redundant structures that exceed their reliability. However, recently, among the well-known redundant CS structures used for ensuring fault tolerance, a new two-channel self-verifiable quasi-bridge structure (QBS) has appeared, the credibility of which has not been previously investigated. The paper shows that the QBS, having in its composition modules with a higher individual reliability, compared with the modules included in the other analyzed structures, is characterized by a low two-fold hardware redundancy, while winning at the same time with majority structures with three and five-fold hardware redundancy, as on the evaluation of the basic model of reliability (probability of failure-free operation), and on the credibility of operation. Таbl.: 1. Figs.: 1. Refs.: 6 titles.




       Last modified: Sep 30, 2019