Mathematical Machines and Systems. 2021 #1



UDC 623.764


Sapaty P.S. Managing multiple satellite architectures by spatial grasp technology. Mathematical machines and systems. 2021. N 1. P. 3–16.

The paper reviews some advanced space projects oriented on many satellites moving around the globe in low Earth orbits, and investigates how to organize their collective operation for solving important world problems, especially those related to global security and defense. It analyzes the application of the developed Spatial Grasp model and Technology (SGT), successfully tested on numerous applications, for simulation and management of multiple satellite architectures. Of particular interest is the latest Space Development Agency Next-Generation Space Architecture that uses a great number of cooperating satellites organized on different layers, which appears to be much more advanced than the known Strategic Defense Initiative project of the eighties. SGT is based on mobile recursive scenarios in a special high-level Spatial Grasp Language (SGL) which can self-navigate and self-match distributed environments while leaving throughout them powerful spatial infrastructures capable of solving any distributed problems. Providing basics of the latest SGT version, the paper describes examples of solutions in it of such problems as distributed tracing and elimination of complexly moving cruise missiles and hypersonic gliders, organization of effective custody layer which will be able to observe not only localized dangerous objects on the Earth but also any distributed terrestrial infrastructures as a whole. It also shows how to introduce a higher virtual layer for satellite constellation which may simplify formulation and solution of many problems in both terrestrial and celestial environments, including advanced command and control of complex national and international operations and campaigns from space. Figs.: 13. Refs.: 28 titles.

UDC 004.057

Every year the amount of generated data grows exponentially which entails an increase in both the number and capacity of data storage systems. The highest capacity is required for data storage systems that are used to store backups and archives, file storages with shared access, testing and development environments, virtual machine storages, corporate or public web services. To solve such tasks, nowadays manufacturers offer three types of storage systems: block and file storages which have already become a standard used for implementing IT infrastructures, and software-defined storage systems. They allow to create data storages on non-specialized equipment, such as a group of x86-64 server nodes managed by general-purpose operating systems. The main feature of software-defined data storages is the transfer of storage functions from the hardware level to the software level where these storage functions are defined not by physical features of the hardware but by the software selected for specific tasks solving. Today there are three main singled out technologies characterized by scalable architecture that allow to increase efficiency and storage volume through adding new nodes to a single pool: Ceph, DELL EMC VxFlex OS, HP StoreVirtual VSA. Software-defined data storages have the following advantages: fault tolerance, efficiency, flexibility and economy. Utilization of software-defined storages allows to increase efficiency of IT infrastructure and reduce its maintenance costs; to build a hybrid infrastructure that would allow to use internal and external cloud resources; to increase efficiency of both services and users by providing reliable connection by using the most convenient devices; to build a portal as a single point of services and resources control. Figs.: 4. Refs.: 6 titles.

UDC 004.5:004.85

Due to modern microcomputers and platforms based on microprocessors such as, for example, Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi, Nano Pi, Rock Pi, Banana Pi, Asus Tinker Boardthe development of prototypes of embedded systems is possible in a «design» mode. The software part is implemented on the basis of operating systems and standard technologies based on well-known programming languages such as C / C++, Python, C#, Java, etc. In such case the control channel for the embedded system can be either implemented via a web service separated by a communication channel or controlled independently. It is important to understand that creating an embedded system on a standard platform is much more expensive than buying a ready-made mass-produced device with the same functionality. Therefore, it makes sense to use platforms like the Raspberry Pi mainly for individual artificial devices. If it is necessary to build a project of embedded systems and there is a problem with choosing a hardware platform for the client side, then currently there is a wide range of boards and solutions for building an efficient and inexpensive system using ready-made modules. The number of expansion cards and various sensors, video cameras, internet connection via Ethernet, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth provides a wide range of opportunities for building almost any solution based on this component base. The foundation can be made within a small budget, with minimal time spent, using large blocks and ready-made libraries for programming embedded systems. This article presents the results of research and development work on the creation of a software and hardware infrastructure of a terrestrial platform with the elements of artificial intelligence. Based on the actual results of the research, a deployment diagram and a component diagram of such an infrastructure have been constructed. Figs.: 3. Refs.: 17 titles.



UDC 004.91

Nikiforov O.V., Dodonov O.G., Putyatin V.G. The use of information technologies in risk management for the flight safety of aviation. Mathematical machines and systems. 2021. N 1. P. 32–41.

At present, the problem of ensuring the necessary level of state aviation flights safety in terms of human and organizational factors is very urgent. Despite the ongoing measures aimed at expanding and strengthening control over the processes of aviation activity, flight incidents caused by insufficient reliability of personnel work and organizational errors continue to occupy leading positions. There is an insufficient efficiency of the flight safety management system to identify hazardous factors in their latent stage, which is necessary for the early prevention of accidents. The difficulty of timely identification of the aviation system dangerous states associated with these factors is due to the need to account, correlate and analyze data of a very large dimension and multifacetedness. According to the authors, a successful solution to this problem is possible through the use of automated processing and cognitive combination of large heterogeneous information arrays based on centralized electronic systems for collecting, information and analytical processing and storage of information about the functioning of the aviation system, identified abnormal and dangerous conditions, and incidents that have already occurred. The article presents the concept of creating a promising automated flight safety management system for state aviation. The proposed system will make it possible to implement the principle of proactive detection and prevention of hazardous factors and risks for flight safety, taking into account human and organizational factors, based on the implementation of processes for centralized collection, generalization and analysis of big data on the state of the aviation system. Topical scientific tasks for the creation of a methodological basis for the development of special software for such an automated system have been formulated. Figs.: 5. Refs.: 8 titles.

UDC 004.02

Nikitenko Ye.V., Ometsynska N.V. A search system for media content in telegram messenger. Mathematical machines and systems. 2021. N 1. P. 42 – 51. 

An autonomous Telegram bot aimed at searching for media content (movies, cartoons and TV series) displaying video titles, categories, main tags, description, cast, ratings, links to third-party resources and a list of similar content is developed. This Telegram-bot has a special interface for the administrator with usage statistics and the ability to send messages. It was decided to use the WebStorm development environment to implement the chatbot. The TypeScript language on the NodeJS platform was chosen as the programming language, because it is compatible with JavaScript and is compiled in it. After the compilation, the program on TypeScript can be run in any modern browser or used in conjunction with the server platform. TypeScript differs from the JavaScript language by its ability to explicitly statically define types, support the use of full-fledged classes and support the connection of modules, which is designed to increase the speed of development, facilitate readability, refactoring and reuse of the code, help to debug at the development and compilation stage, and possibly speed up program execution. The Telegram bot was created and configured to implement the client part. This feature is implemented inside the messenger itself. To speed up the development and simplify the interaction with Telegram, a modern framework for NodeJS – Telegraph was used.  Cloud Firestore was used as a database. It is a flexible, scalable cloud-based NoSQL database from Firebase and Google CloudPlatform for the Internet, mobile platforms and server applications. Cloud Firestore database supports flexible, hierarchical data structures, stores data in documents which, in their turn, are stored in collections. Documents can have attachments, objects and subcollections. Figs.: 9. Refs.: 9 titles.

 UDC 004.047

The article analyzes some possibilities of a quick determination of the relevance of information obtained from some search and reference services located on various web platforms. An important feature to ensure the survivability of the information on the Internet for reference and search services has been identified. This feature consists in providing services to an array of sample data to verify information obtained from primary sources or through the mechanism of following links, which confirm the information or provide an answer to the request in case of failure. It is proposed to consider a search service or some reference platforms using the production rules of if-THEN structures, depending on the available facts. An indicator of the effectiveness of the formalized information is derived through a determinant of the level of the information error when processing it under the conditions of uncertainty, providing that the determinant highlights the data that is not enough to describe the object of the request, and that there may be a solution to system problems among the data. Its representation through some estimated values is given. When developing a search or reference service on a web platform using the proposed approach, such services will hold not just arrays of information structured by topic, but formed arrays of information based on symbolic transformations using both general and separate schemes for displaying information on the request, as well as with the ability to reformulate tasks and queries with the aim of getting the most complete and different information on the request. A mechanism for detecting truth and falsity when receiving responses to the request from a service according to the rules of fuzzy logic, when understanding the set can be replaced by understanding the characteristic function, is proposed. An example of an algorithmic implementation is provided as well. All stated above can be used to optimize reference and search services on web platforms, improve the work of search engines and various distributed information processing services. Fig.: 1. Refs.: 32 titles.

UDC 004.891.2

The article is devoted to the issues of automation of servicing the meetings activities which include its preparation, holding and real-time recording. The article proposes a method for conducting and recording meetings, regardless of the meeting topic, its language and area of use. The formation and application of the meeting protocols in the proposed method differs from previous solutions. The meeting protocol is formed from the initial protocol and is displayed in a compact and convenient form on the administrator's control panel as a meeting plan that can be adjusted and supplemented under the administrator’s control. During the meeting the administrator can change the agenda presented in the meeting plan. In the course of the meeting, its plan and a corresponding text document known as «a protocol» are synchronously supplemented by the objects of discussion that are flexibly constructed during the discussions and were described in previous works. The text document – «protocol» is formed both at the beginning and during the meeting, and can be used on any PC in the local network regardless of the time and the day when the meeting is to be held. The proposed approach can be used to conduct unregulated ad hoc meetings in SM systems. Owing to the capabilities of the proposed software shell, a «current» application for the meeting servicing is created from the text documents prepared for the current meeting. The proposed method can be applied in various fields: education, medicine (including tracking of epidemics), military, etc. Moreover, each unique application without the participation of a programmer will be created from the texts prepared by an appropriate specialist, and the applied method will ensure the synchronization of the protocols of various processes. In terms of its capabilities, the proposed method for the meeting servicing is comparable to a popular system Meeting King, but this method, in its turn, allows people to conduct and record meetings in any language, and use it to support and log other processes as well. Figs.: 8. Refs.: 4 titles.

                                   SIMULATION AND MANAGEMENT

 UDC 621.039

Safety culture (SC) is a modern paradigm of safety management of ultra-complex technical systems, primarily NPPs. According to the latest researches, the probability of an error made by a human, who professes the principles of safety culture, and the occurrence of accidents in general, compared to previous methods of safety management, is reduced by hundreds of times. Therefore, it is necessary to provide support as much as possible at all levels of government, to train all specialists and explore new possibilities of this paradigm. This article is aimed at developing offers for an algorithm for automated assessment of the level of SC power units based on current indicators and indicators of structural units with a selected discreteness in order to further develop an appropriate cloud-based software which will eliminate subjectivism and record the smallest deviations, which, in its turn, will allow to take appropriate measures to improve the safety of nuclear power plants in the early stages of negative processes. The term «safety culture» was first formulated by the IAEA in 1986 in the course of the analysis of the causes of the Chernobyl disaster, and published in INSAG-1. The report stated that the lack of safety culture was one of the main causes of the disaster. Safety culture is defined as a set of values and actions that occur as a result of an agreement reached in the team between the top managers and employees to give security the highest priority in order to protect people and the environment. Further understanding of this concept has led to a new perspective on the causes of other accidents and incidents at nuclear power plants that occurred in the past. The experience of NPP operation shows that their occurrence is somehow related to people's behavior (namely, their attitude to safety issues), i.e., the current state of the level of safety culture. But as a current safety parameter (SC) it is estimated with a long period of time. The article offers automation of the assessment process. Refs.: 20 titles.

UDC 658.012.011.56(621.771.24:621.937)

One of the most important indicators of a plate rolling mill efficiency is a metal consumption (cost coefficients) per ton of product. Reduction of metal consumption coefficients is ensured by the accuracy of the set geometric dimensions realization during the rolling, increasing the accuracy of geometric dimensions of the plates that are cut from the rolls on fire cutting units, as well as by operating in the minus field of tolerances on the geometric dimensions of the plates. Improving the accuracy of the geometric dimensions of the plates, cut from the rolls on the fire cutting units, is achieved through the automatic control of these units. The article describes the technical solutions, implemented in the automated control system of fire cutting units (the ACS FCU) of the heat treatment department and fire cutting of a plate mill 3600. The purposes of the ACS FCU creation include an increase in accuracy and stabilization of the geometrical sizes of the work pieces cut out of plates through the automatic control; reduction of metal consumption coefficients due to the operation in the minus field of tolerances on the geometric dimensions of the work pieces; replacement of obsolete equipment with the modern one in order to increase the reliability of the mill equipment operation; increasing the ACS FCU service life through the use of modern equipment with high reliability characteristics; reduction of unplanned equipment downtime that may arise as a result of the ACS FCU technical means failures. The automated control system of fire cutting units has been set up, tested and put into operation; a metrological certification of the system has been carried out as well. The results of the ACS FCU testing and its subsequent operation have confirmed the system efficiency and the performance of all its intended functions. This system can be also implemented in the processes of treatment of other rolling mills, equipped with the units for the fire cutting of metal. Figs.: 5. Refs.: 4 titles.

UDC 504.3.054

The paper presents the results of the simulation of secondary air pollution scenario in Ukraine due to the wind lift of anthropogenic radionuclides during a dust storm in April 2020. A variant of the Bagnold formula was used to parameterize the intensity of radionuclide resuspension. To set the initial pollution of the territory of Ukraine, the reconstruction of meteorological conditions and fallout of Cs-137 after the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was carried out through the use of the RODOS nuclear emergency response system and the WRF meteorological model. For the normalized root-mean-square error of the calculated total fallout in the 50-km zone around the Chernobyl NPP the value NMSE=4,5 was obtained. A decrease in the levels of pollution of the Earth's surface during the time after the accident due to radioactive decay and other environmental processes was estimated. The distribution of contamination of the Earth's surface obtained in this way was used to assess the intensity of wind rise and atmospheric transport of radionuclides during a dust storm on April 1618, 2020. The calculations were carried out using the CALPUFF model. The input meteorological data were the results of the WRF-Ukraine weather forecasting system. In the calculation of secondary contamination, the effect of fires in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone (ChEZ) was not taken into account. The calculated average daily concentrations of Cs-137 in the air were maximum for the first day of the dust storm (April 16), when the wind speed was maximum (13 m/s with gusts up to 19 m/s). Average daily concentrations on April 16 ranged from the background values (5,8·10-6 Bq/m3 in Kyiv) to 2,2·10-3 Bq/m3 (ChNPP). The obtained estimates are much less than the permissible concentrations (0.8 Bq/m3). At the same time consideravle exceedance of background values were predicted in a large part of Ukraine from Rivne NPP (2,2·10-5 Bq/m3) to Kharkiv (1,3·10-5 Bq / m3). In the vicinity of the ChEZ in the cities of Chernihiv and Slavutich, the obtained estimates of daily average concentration were 1,6·10-4 Bq/m3 and 3,2·10-4 Bq/m3 respectively. Figs.: 10. Refs.: 17 titles.

 UDC 334.7

The regeneration of the territory of Karabakh is the primary task on the way to further strengthening the political and economic sovereignty of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In the territories liberated from the Armenian occupation, it is planned to provide a safe and dignified life for internally displaced persons in the shortest possible time, to carry out creative and restoration work in all areas, as well as to run effective activities for setting an impulse for a sustainable growth in the well-being of the returned native population. The modern practice of clustering the territories of advanced development, carried out in different countries, is characterized by a synergistic effect from the maximum use of regional resources, which makes it possible to achieve significant economic benefits within a minimum period. Within the framework of the cluster approach, the project is «placed» in a specific sector of the cluster and is implemented on the basis of a worked-out mechanism, taking into account socio-economic, political and legal aspects. It is within this sector that favorable conditions are created for the implementation of the project, due to which, in fact, a synergistic effect is achieved and the desired output is provided. Cluster development of the territories liberated from the Armenian occupation provides for state participation, including at the levels of sectoral executive authorities, regional government and local authorities, as well as in the person of state development institutions and institutional investors in integrated development projects – direct investment funds and leading systemically important banks. The residents of innovation clusters and technology parks, leading Azerbaijani developers, representatives of business structures, as well as private investors interested in portfolio investments can and should become other important actors in this process. Within this approach, a model of an economic cluster is proposed for the accelerated development of the territories of Azerbaijan liberated from the Armenian occupation. Figs.: 7. Refs.: 6 titles.

UDC 681.3.06, 004.89

This paper continues a series of studies dedicated to the analysis of the nonlinear dynamics of complex environmental processes through the use of computational methods. The construction of a computational structure that uses the forms of the hybrid time and the logic of redefined behavior of solutions of the special system of equations to describe important nonlinear phenomena in the management of unstable biosystems is considered in the article. The difference between the described approaches to building a model is that computational experiments based on differential equations and redefined according to the rules simulate scenarios in the dynamics of controlled biological resources of different types. The form of time allows to operate on a discrete component of the trajectory to describe changes that are visible to experts from the monitoring statistics or from reports from the fishery. The computational structure logically corresponds to the life cycle of large marine fish. Continuous characteristics are used to manage changes in the life cycle model. The new models are intended to describe in scenarios the phenomena of rapid degradation of valuable biological resources with a very small error in the regulation of the rate of removal from the stock. These models have shown that the traditional methods of bioresources management by experts have fundamental shortcomings and problems. Experts overestimate the amount of stocks for commercial removal from the population. Regulation by setting quotas on fish catch does not prevent the fishery from collapsing. The approach is applicable for mathematical predicting of the rapidly inflowing phases of an ecological invasion in aquatic systems. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 23 titles.


UDC 004.05

The need to minimize losses and accidents is an important factor in sustainable technical development. One of the industries characterized by a high level of danger is rail transport. This problem changes its scale with the increase in the number of vehicles, its traffic intensity and speed. Another special difficulty is that significant infrastructural development, which involves the construction of a large number of complex and expensive facilities such as interchanges, overpasses and underpasses, is impossible in today's economic environment. Therefore, there are some promising solutions aimed at developing and implementing a new class of systems that provide a high level of safety and are able to correct negative accident statistics and solve the problem of not harming people's lives on rail transport. The article is devoted to the problem of traffic safety at railway crossings, railway crosswalks and in the work areas of service personnel. An information approach aimed at improving traffic safety and timely informing road users about emergencies and dangerous situations in their area approach is developed in the work. It is offered to solve the mentioned above tasks at the expense of the creation of digital information systems of a new class. The main differences between the created systems are the use of microprocessor systems, wireless communications and energy-saving technologies. The systems themselves must meet modern requirements for reliability, fault tolerance, and dependability. The article describes some basic options for the implementation of control and information systems for railway crossings «Blagovist», railway crosswalks «Blagovist-Р» and for a mobile system for service personnel working on the tracks «Blagovist-SP». The systems have technologies for autonomous operation and wireless transmission of information. Figs.: 9. Refs.: 6 titles.

Sapaty Р.S. Spatial Grasp as a Model for Space-based Control and Management Systems. Mathematical machines and systems. 2021. N 1. P. 135–138.

Mankind is actively moving into space for solving increasingly complex problems on the Earth and finding new resources beyond it. This global cooperative and competitive process is extremely promising but also carrying fundamental risks and potential failures of the new space systems. In their design and implementation, the probability of failure of components, even the whole, should be taken into account as basic features. Such space systems need to be based on quite different organizational models and technologies allowing their creation, structuring, evolution and management to be flexible, dynamic and changeable at any moment. The planned new book, the seventh in a series on high-level distributed management and control, will describe space-oriented solutions with the help of Spatial Grasp model and Technology (SGT) based on virus-like covering and matching of terrestrial and celestial systems which will be able to self-recover from damages and loss of its components. The book will describe the latest SGT version, review the newest activities in space, especially those around the Earth which use different orbit satellites, and problems of communications and routing in multiple satellite infrastructures. It will review the space projects run in the past and some current ones related to global security and defense, and how to solve their key problems in SGT, including tracing of complexly moving high-speed objects and continuous observation of large regions and infrastructures on the Earth from space, as well as registering and tracing numerous space objects, including debris, by terrestrial database networks. It will be shown how the introduction of virtual layers for both celestial and terrestrial systems can improve solutions of global command and control of complex operations and missions under SGT. The book will also demonstrate how to provide high integrity, global awareness and even consciousness of distributed celestial systems under SGT. Other considered technology applications relate to space economy, weather prediction and international security. The book will also describe the possibilities of technology implementation which may be carried out even under standard university conditions. 


       Last modified: 2021-4-14