Mathematical Machines and Systems. 2022 #3



UDC 623.764

Sapaty P.S. language to comprehend and manage distributed worlds. Mathematical machines and systems. 2022. N 3. P. 9–27.

The paper presents and discusses the details of the Spatial Grasp Language (SGL), including its philosophy, methodology, syntax, semantics, and implementation in distributed systems. As a key element of the developed Spatial Grasp Model and Technology, SGL has been used in numerous applications and publications, including seven books. This inspired us to devote the current paper exclusively to the main features of this language and comparison with other languages as a tribute to its impact on the Distributed Management Project at the National Academy of Sciences, with strong international participation and support.
The comparison with other programming languages shows high level, simplicity, and compactness of the obtained solutions, which are explained by the fact that SGL operates directly on distributed networked bodies in a holistic, parallel, self-navigation and pattern matching mode. This effectively puts upside down the established practice and opinion that parallel and distributed computing is essentially more complex than sequential programming. In comparison with specialized battle management languages oriented on command and control of military campaigns, the SGL programming example shows high clarity and efficiency for expressing campaigns with spatial movement and maintenance of the needed resources, also confirming its universal ability for extended applications in similar areas. The relation of SGL to natural languages is shown where globally recursive SGL organization can be directly used for describing and analyzing natural language structures of any volume and complexity, just by adding new rules to the SGL definition. SGL can also effectively substitute natural languages for a high-level and quick definition of complex spatial problems and their solutions due to its power, compactness, and formula-like recursive nature. Figs.: 9. Refs.: 28 titles.



UDC 004.7

An analysis of the world experience of military conflicts of the last century and the results of repulsing the full-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation indicates the need to strengthen the defense capability of the state by improving the methods and mechanisms of comprehensive support. Studies prove that the basis for the provision of the defense capability of the state and the capabilities of the defense forces is the management of defense resources as an integral part of strategic (defense) planning. Consequently, the management of defense resources is a priority nationwide measure which involves the components of the Security and Defense sector of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the SDSU), other ministries and executive authorities, the limits of competence of which extend to the issues related to the defense sphere of the country. The article suggests some ways to strengthen the defense potential of the state and increase the efficiency of the Armed Forces of Ukraine through the use of a high-tech information system (IS). A complex and important issue of this management activity is to ensure the coordination of actions of state bodies of the SDSU, achieving the necessary balance between the volume and nature of the tasks assigned to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other components of the SDSU, the capabilities of the state for their resource provision, activities and volumes of international military-technical and financial assistance. The Unified Information System for the Management of Defense Resources of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (UIS MDR AFU) can be such an IS, which will increase the efficiency of state and military administration and improve the mechanisms for managing defense resources. Under the current conditions, in order to significantly improve the organization and implementation of activities for the management of defense resources, all components of the SDSU must be equipped with the appropriate software and technological tools – the UIS MDR AFU. The formation and use of the prospective UIS MDR AFU should be aimed at solving the problems of defense provision, effective use of the potential of the state, as well as the implementation of measures to strengthen the defense capability of the state in the direction of MDR. Таbl.: 11. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 8 titles.

UDC 519.25

Demographic statistics of Ukraine and other countries of the world indicate that the impact of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on mortality is not limited only to COVID-19 fatalities. Analysis of all-cause mortality statistics allows for examining the consequences of the pandemic regardless of the problem of determining the cause of death, which is especially relevant in the case of poor COVID-19 testing. The basic approach of such analysis includes comparing the number of deaths from all causes during the pandemic period with a forecast based on the tendencies of previous years. For the period from March 2020 to January 2022, there are considered three methods, the biggest difference between which is the interpretation of data for months when all-cause mortality is lower than expected. Other methodological issues arose while estimating the phenomenon of excess mortality in September-December 2020, whose ratio to the confirmed COVID-19 deaths was higher than on the average in 2021. It can be partially explained by the low volumes of tests in the fourth quarter of 2020. The reality of the increased excess mortality in September-December 2020 is evidenced by the fact that a similar phenomenon was observed in many neighboring countries. The conducted study shows that the excess mortality associated with the pandemic is at least 1.82.1 times higher than the confirmed COVID-19 deaths according to the Ministry of Health, and at least 1.61.9 times exceeds the similar indicator according to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine. The obtained estimates are consistent with similar estimates from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME, USA, Washington state) and the World Health Organization (WHO). The found estimates should be considered as lower given that the expected mortality from all causes for 2020-2022 was not adjusted for the phenomenon of mortality reduction observed in the first half of 2020. Таbl.: 1. Figs.: 4. Refs.: 11 titles.

UDC 004.896

For modern telemedicine, it is important to solve the problem of patient authentication. This paper studies the possibility of using personal unique features of people, namely their electrocardiogram (ECG), for authentication. Biometric authentication is promising in telemedicine, where patients send physicians through information channels increasing amounts of their data. When some clinic monitors its patient remotely and asks them for an ECG, it should be confident that the received ECG belongs to that particular patient. Biometric authentication using ECG is a rather specific area of research and now there are no leading technologies in this field. This method is the goal of the technology being developed. In this direction, we have already conducted research, developed algorithms, and tested their viability on test data. Combining the obtained algorithms and machine learning to solve the problem of classification of ECG belonging to a person, there was developed a program capable of authenticating people by their ECG. This gave confidence in the possibility of using such technology. The next step was to scale this technology to reach two goals: to test the performance of the technology on a much larger amount of data and to prepare it for use in real conditions when processing time should be minimal. The paper describes the gradual development from a program running on a personal computer to a system performing computing in a cloud environment. The time spent on conducting experiments and comparing the running time of programs on a personal computer and in a cloud environment are shown. The most efficient configuration of the system for cloud architecture was found experimentally. Таbl.: 2. Figs.: 4. Refs.: 13 titles.

UDC 004.93; 334.02

The purpose of the work is to research and formalize the methods of conveying visual information at presentations and the expediency of using modern information technologies for the visualization of presentation objects. The object of the research and comparison is the information technology of holographic 3D showcases and the holographic 3D showcase itself as a modern device for the virtualization of static and dynamic objects as well as the addition of real objects that meet the size criteria set by the developer, by creating augmented reality without using mobile applications and smartphone cameras. Holographic technologies and methods of holography are analyzed in the article. The use of holography is due to the increase in realistic advertising, the introduction of new information technologies in society, and the increase in the demands of society for multimedia devices. Methods of presenting holographic technologies can be considered information technologies for creating presentation applications that are used to display 3D holographic presentations. The concepts and features of 3D images are revealed. Achieving the realism of the presented information is possible only by creating three-dimensional images that will be placed in space. Dynamic images allow the authors to fully convey their ideas and create the effect of the presence of a real prototype of the product at the presentation. Since the device does not have visible elements of the display of the image, the viewer has no doubts about what he sees. Creation technologies were analyzed and a comparison of 2D and 3D holography was made. It is shown that each of the technologies has its own characteristics and makes it possible to use a holographic 3D showcase as a full-fledged substitute for the screen. Technological features allow using a hologram as a transparent monitor screen which provides new opportunities for demonstration and visualization of goods. Fig.: 1. Refs.: 2 titles.

UDC 519.769

Any commercial bank tries to determine the degree of acceptable risks of material and/or reputational losses, believing that its potential losses are inversely proportional to the volume of its capital. Therefore, the basis of successful banking is the presence of a Risk Management System in the commercial bank structure, the main task of which is to determine the best (or rational) strategy for concluding contracts and ensuring maximum profit growth. Within the Risk Management System, there are used statistical analysis tools allowing evaluating and comparing the consequences and expediency of certain transactions by establishing a quantitative measure of banking risk from any transaction. Moreover, these tools make it possible to formalize various transactions and, thereby, ensure the accumulation of commercial bank experience. To form heuristic knowledge from the history of the conclusion of various contracts, it is necessary to use and accumulate expert opinions, and, as a result, fuzzy methods of analysis and decision-making regarding banking transactions on each localization point. The paper considers a fuzzy cognitive map for assessing internal and external banking risks. This approach involves the use of a fuzzy cognitive model, based on which cause-effect relationships for assessing banking risks at all levels of the hierarchy of their detailing are described using the Fuzzy Inference Systems. Qualitative evaluation criteria for the areas of localization of banking operations and external influences are used as input and output characteristics. For the formal description of these weakly structured characteristics, there are used appropriate fuzzy sets which are restored on the corresponding universes by corresponding membership functions. At the same time, the method of point estimation of fuzzy sets is applied for the defuzzification of fuzzy conclusions relative to the risk levels on all nodes of the localization of banking operations. Таbl.: 3. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 6 titles.

UDC 004.772

The article considers the existing models of information security, which are the basis for the development of an individual protection profile, and determines the features of their application. Ensuring information security at the enterprise is to develop a comprehensive system for protecting information and controlling the sources of potential threats, the need to protect information in accordance with existing standards for the security of information technology. Preparation and development of normative documentation of individual protection profile are necessary components in accordance with the type of activity and needs of the enterprise. The article substantiates the need to develop and further apply the company’s protection profile in accordance with modern standards in the field of information security. The number of profiles may not be limited, they are developed for various applications. The task of implementing the company's security policy includes the development of one or more security profiles. The security profile is the basis for creating a security task that can be considered as a technical project. The article considers the components of the concept of security and defines the connections and interactions between them. Identified requirements, risks (i.e. events or situations that indicate the possibility of harm), assets and measures affecting the vulnerability of the security profile. Safety trust requirements include technology development, testing, vulnerability analysis, supply, maintenance, operational documentation, etc. Actions that pose potential threats to the security of conditional ingestion have been identified. The article proposes the main components for building an individual profile of protection of a conventional enterprise, indicates the links between them. A description of the types of requirements in accordance with the hierarchy «class – family – component – element» was executed. The main classes of functional requirements for individual protection profile are defined. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 4 titles.

UDC 519.769

Some territories where economic activity is carried out are characterized by the presence of mountainі and forests. To provide information support for the development of infrastructure and agriculture in these areas, in some cases, there is required overland monitoring with unmanned technologies. In this regard, an algorithm for the formation of a 3D trajectory of a quadcopter during overland piloting in a mountainous and wooded landscape is proposed, which implies autonomous maneuvering to overcome possible obstacles. As a basic model, it is proposed to use a Fuzzy Inference System with input characteristics in the form of linguistic variables that reflect fuzzy sectors of space, within which the presence of obstacles and the distance to them are interpreted verbally, i.e., in the form of terms of corresponding input linguistic variables. Overcoming obstacles is supposed to be performed on the basis of fuzzy conclusions of the proposed system, formulated as terms of output linguistic variables which reflect changes in the angle of rotation in the horizontal plane, flight altitude, and traverse speed of the quadcopter. The paper analyzes the results of the model behavior for different scenarios of the terms of the input linguistic variables. For the operational formation of the quadcopter flight path, it is also proposed to use neural network modeling tools. Due to its ability to adapt to new conditions and requirements, the neural network model can become an important tool in ensuring the autonomous flight of a quadcopter under overland monitoring. For appropriate training of the three-layer feedforward neural network, a sufficiently large number of quadcopter behavior scenarios are used, which were generated by the Fuzzy Inference System relative to the overcoming of possible obstacles in five sectors of the survey. Таbl.: 5. Figs.: 7. Refs.: 5 titles.

                                   SIMULATION AND MANAGEMENT

UDC 681.511

In control theory, decomposition is a method according to which the studied system is divided into subsystems, the problem – into subproblems, etc., each of which is solved independently. The procedure of strict decomposition is based on a clearly formulated mathematical apparatus of decomposition of problems with block structure, as well as on various parametric methods. Heuristic decomposition methods allow an informal analysis of the specified tasks and make it possible to divide them on the basis of intuitive predictions about the interaction of individual tasks. Such a division can be based on various criteria, for example, the minimum of broken ties, technological or economic considerations, the division by stages of the management process, etc. The problem of optimization of rolling mills on a heavy-plate mill is multidimensional and characterized by several output indicators, each of which is a function of several controls. To solve this task it is necessary to replace a vector criterion with a scalar one. After that, there arises the problem of determining the weight coefficients of various indicators, which in the general case is solved at the level of expert assessments, and the efficiency of optimization of automatic control by this criterion is significantly determined by the experience of experts. In this situation, you can use the methods of heuristic decomposition, which allows you to analyze informally set tasks and make it possible to divide them on the basis of intuitive predictions about the interaction of individual tasks. The paper considers the formulation of the problem of optimization of rolling modes on heavy-plate mills by decomposing the general automation problem into a number of single-criteria problems using heuristic methods, which allows ensuring maximum efficiency of automation. The above scientific and technical solutions can be used in the development of automated control systems for rolling modes on the heavy-plate mill. Таbl.: 6. Fig.: 1. Refs.: 14 titles.

UDC 004-94; 615-8; 616-08-­059; 616-08-07; 616-7

Kurgaev O.P. The architecture of rehabilitation systems with biological feedback. Mathematical machines and systems. 2022. N 3. Р. 121–136. 

Non-invasiveness, non-toxicity, reliability, and efficiency make the systems with biological feedback (BF) the most promising for improvement. The structures of the vast majority of BF-systems have been studied and the most advanced one has been proposed. The technical essence of the BF-method lies in the computer registration of certain physiological indicators that are not available for direct human perception and their transformation into a form understandable to people. Since all systems of the human organism are directly subject to the constant influence of the central nervous system, the most promising type of BF is neurobiocontrol of self-learning of your own brain. The general BCI (Brain-Computer-Interface) scheme contains an encephalograph whose inputs are connected to the patient's scalp and the outputs – to a computer connected to a controlled device. Using AI, BCI options are greatly expanded to include cursor control, auditory sensations, limb control, spelling devices, somatic sensations, and visual prostheses. The National Center for Adaptive Neurotechnologies has developed the BCI200 software system for fundamental and clinical neurophysiological studies of brain-computer interaction. As a result, all existing implementations and applications of BF-based systems for medical rehabilitation do not meet modern trends of creating unified, portable and safe new generation rehabilitation systems which can be used not only in medical institutions but also at home. To cardinally solve this problem, a new structure of the hardware and software complex for the implementation of the advanced BF-method of rehabilitation of people with disabilities has been suggested. The improved BF-procedure consists of three steps: entering and accumulating knowledge in the rehabilitation field, setting personal rehabilitation goals, and searching for a solution to these goals. Figs.: 7. Refs.: 65 titles.

UDC 004.891.2

Kovalenko O.Ye. Ontological model of the cybernetic organizational system architecture. Mathematical machines and systems. 2022. N 3. Р. 137–147. 

Targeted activity in all spheres of modern society is carried out within the framework of organizational systems of various types and for various purposes using situational management methods. Cybernetic organizational systems are represented as ordered sets of interacting components (artifacts, system components), united by the performance of a specified function based on information exchange. The ontological approach to the design of any class of complex systems makes it possible to carry out a clear and hierarchical decomposition of the design processes of any system of a given purpose into certain design actions, many of which can be performed concurrently and each of which – in the context of a local component system. The model of the subject area of knowledge is determined by the architectural model of the cybernetic organizational system and its context of interaction with the environment. The architecture of the cybernetic organizational system ensures the implementation of the process of situational management as a composition of motivations, knowledge, opportunities, resources, and limitations. The idea of a target cybernetic organizational system is presented in the form of a list of needs and models on the basis of the analysis of which requirements are formalized in accordance with needs. The construction of the architecture of the cybernetic organizational system is specified by the formalized system requirements from the knowledge base of the cybernetic organizational system and confirmed by the results of the analysis based on system models and test operational tasks. Relationships between artifacts form an architectural model of the system which combines activity regulations, activity structure, activity directions, technological standards, structures, and solutions. The proposed ontological model of knowledge of the architecture of the cybernetic organizational system combines technological, organizational and project concepts. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 19 titles.

UDC 504.3.054

The previously developed system Povitrya allows the calculation of the atmospheric distribution of 36 chemicals using the CALPUFF atmospheric dispersion model. In this paper, after the literature review and according to the requirements of the CALPUFF model, the values of the parameters for the calculation of dry and wet depositions of pollutants in the Povitrya system have been defined. Based on the analysis of the model parameters, the parameters that depend on the type of substance have been identified. For pollutants that spread in the form of aerosols, only one parameter – the scavenging coefficient included in the formula for the calculation of wet deposition – depends on the type of substance. Other deposition parameters for aerosols are a function of the characteristics of the particle size distribution, so they are not considered in this paper. The scavenging coefficient is specified for all types of chemicals – aerosols and gases modeled by the Povitrya system depending on the solubility of the substance (for gases) or miscibility (for aerosols). For gases, several other parameters in deposition calculation formulas also depend on the type of substance, namely: molecular diffusivity, solubility enhancement factor, reactivity, mesophyll resistance, and Henry’s law. The values of the corresponding parameters are set for 17 types of gaseous pollutants. To determine Henry’s law constant, there have been established correspondences between the definitions of this parameter in the literature and the CALPUFF model. For mesophyll resistance, an interpolation formula is proposed to calculate this parameter as a function of solubility. The least data was found for reactivity and solubility enhancement coefficient. Therefore, with some exceptions, the values of the relevant parameters are set the same for all substances. A more detailed definition of these parameters requires a separate study. Таbl.: 2. Fig.: 1. Refs.: 16 titles.

UDC 517.958:519.63

Prediction of the mechanical properties of the reflector, and above all, the deviation of the highly accurate shape of the reflecting surface (RSS) from the given one is the main goal of designing spacecraft antennas. Distortion of the RSS is determined by the stress-deformed state of the elements of the reflector structures under the conditions of orbital operation. At the same time, the main factor determining the distortion of reflectors with RSS in open space is temperature deformation due to the uneven distribution of solar heat fluxes among structural elements. Therefore, the development of methods and models for calculating temperature fields in reflectors during heat flows on the surface is relevant. In the article, for the first time, a new finite integral transformation for the Laplace equation in a cylindrical coordinate system is constructed for a region bounded by several closed piecewise smooth contours. The inverse transformation formula is given. In the article, for the first time, a mathematical model for the calculation of temperature fields in a paraboloid rotating with a constant angular velocity is constructed, taking into account the finite speed of heat propagation in the form of a boundary value problem of mathematical physics for the hyperbolic equation of heat conduction with Dirichlet boundary conditions. With the help of the developed integral transformation, the temperature fields in the paraboloid were found in the form of convergent series according to the Fourier functions. The found solution to the generalized boundary value problem of the heat transfer of the paraboloid of rotation can find application in modulating the temperature fields that arise in the antenna reflectors of space vehicles. The developed integral transformation makes it possible to obtain solutions to complex boundary value problems of mathematical physics. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 16 titles.

UDC 537.612+537.212+621.3.01

The paper is devoted to solving the problem of the theory of three-dimensional quasi-stationary electromagnetic field generated by a non-contact inductometer in its interaction with the electrically conductive agricultural soil located below it at some distance and whose specific electrical conductivity is measured. The peculiarity of this study is that it is based on obtaining an accurate analytical solution to the problem of an electromagnetic field created by an arbitrary spatial circuit with a current (contactless inductometer model) located near a magnetized electrically conductive body with a flat surface (agricultural conductive soil model). Solutions made by taking into account the closed circuits are found in the form of squares for vector and scalar potentials, magnetic and electric field strengths in an electrically conductive medium without restrictions on the geometry of the circuits, environmental properties, and field frequency. Having a precise solution, in addition to the indisputable advantage associated with the validity of the results found, allows obtaining a number of consequences that are valid for an arbitrary field in the system. Another important consequence of an accurate solution is the conclusion that an inhomogeneous electromagnetic field when penetrating into an electrically conductive space with depth always attenuates faster than a homogeneous field. For pulsed fields, the calculation is limited to a certain period of time from the beginning of the current pulse, and the closer to the initial moment of time, the more accurately the electromagnetic field is calculated. Since the current pulse usually changes the fastest and reaches its highest values in a relatively short period of time, it is at this most important stage that the electromagnetic field is determined. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 4 titles.


UDC 004.05

The article considers the solution to a number of problems related to the determination of the residual life of steel cylindrical tanks. In the study of negative factors, the main attention is paid to the consideration of corrosion damage that occurs during operation. As a determining parameter of corrosion wear, it is proposed to use the residual thickness of the wall, bottom and roof of structures. The article assumes that forecasting the residual resource includes determining its minimum estimate through calculations. Also, the admissible degree of demolition of investigated designs is established in the work. To do this, a concept of the limit state is established, which is based on the critical reduction of the thickness of the structural elements on a given part of the surface area to the limit value, below which the required margin of the bearing setpoint is not provided. On the basis of the experimental data in the given example the residual and total service life of steel cylindrical tanks is established. The obtained results are commensurate with the allowable standards and service life specified in the regulations. The article establishes the criteria for estimating the residual life of steel cylindrical tanks due to the use of which it is possible to reduce operating costs by increasing the repair intervals. This effect is achieved through the use of the probabilistic-physical approach to assess the objective technical condition and predict the residual life of these structures in the absence of significant failure statistics. Within the framework of the proposed probabilistic-physical approach to estimating durability, a probabilistic model based on the DM-distribution of failures is proposed. The parameters of such a model are based on physical interpretation, and the main parameters are the average rate of change of the determining parameter and the coefficient of variation of the generalized degradation process. Tabl.: 4. Refs.: 8 titles.



       Last modified: Oct 4, 2022