Mathematical Machines and Systems. 2022 #4



UDC 621.3

Reznik O.M. Hopfield neural network as an open dynamic system. Mathematical machines and systems. 2022. N 4. P. 3–14.

The paper provides an analysis of a Hopfield neural network model from the standpoint of the concept of open dynamic systems (ODS) offered earlier. According to it, the evolution of the universe can be represented as a sequence of stages of the ODS development, during which more and more complex ODSs were formed. Living cells were later formed from them and their further development led to the appearance of humans and their intelligence, the formation of civilization, and the emergence of artificial intelligence. An overview of the provisions of the ODS concept is presented and the stage of the emergence of life as a collective development of ODS in the form of populations of the offspring of the mother cell, that led to the emergence of complex organisms, the nervous system, human, and intelligence as an intangible form of the ODS development, is analyzed in detail. It has been suggested that transforming an inanimate macromolecule of ODS into a living cell is connected with the appearance in its composition of a multistable component like a Hopfield network, whose prototype – spin glass – is a quantum object that existed even before the emergence of life on Earth. To verify it, there has been carried out a detailed analysis of the Hopfield network model as a linear manifold stretched over a set of memorized data vectors. New evidence of the network convergence process coinciding is presented, and the source of energy that a living cell requires for reproduction is revealed. In the paper, a structure of a living ODS that is similar to the Hopfield network and supplemented with a reproduction module similar to a DNA molecule is offered. It fully corresponds to the structure of the first bacteria on Earth detected by archaeologists. The results of the study confirm the efficiency of the methods of the ODS concept when studying the dynamics of the development of systems of different natures, including the latest artificial intelligence systems whose behavior may not be controlled.
Figs.: 3. Refs.: 27 titles.

UDC 681.3
Yashchenko V.O. Neural-like growing networks in the development of general intelligence. Neural-like element (P. I). Mathematical machines and systems. 2022. N 4. Р. 15–36.

The article discusses a new approach to the creation of artificial neurons and neural networks as the means of developing artificial intelligence similar to natural. The article consists of two parts. In the first one, the system of artificial intelligence formation is considered in comparison with the system of natural intelligence formation. Based on the consideration and analysis of the structure and functions of a biological neuron, it was concluded that memory is stored in brain neurons at the molecular level. Information perceived by a person from the moment of his birth and throughout his life is stored in the endoplasmic reticulum of the neuron. There are about 100 billion neurons in the human brain, and each neuron contains millions of ribosomes that synthesize a mediator consisting of about 10,000 molecules. If we assume that one molecule corresponds to one unit of information, then human memory is unlimited. In the nerve cell, there is a synthesis of biologically active substances necessary for the analysis and memorizing information. The “factory” for the production of proteins is the endoplasmic reticulum which accumulates millions of ribosomes. One ribosome synthesizes protein at a rate of 15
20 amino acids per second. Considering that the functional structure of ribosomes is similar to the Turing machine, we can conclude that the neuron is an analog multimachine complex – an ultra-fast molecular multimachine supercomputer with an unusually simple analog programming device. An artificial neuron proposed by J. McCulloch and W. Pitts is considered a highly simplified mathematical model of a biological neuron. A maximally approximate analogue of a biological neuron, a neural-like element, is proposed. A description of the neural-like element is given. The process of perception and memorizing information in a neuron-like element is shown in comparison with a similar process in a nerve cell of the brain. Figs.: 23. Refs.: 23 titles.

UDC 623.764

Sapaty P.S. Relation of spatial grasp paradigm to philosophical and psychological concepts. Mathematical machines and systems. 2022. N 4. P. 37–52.

The paper follows practical works on the creation of the first citywide computer networks in Kyiv (Ukraine) which have been integrating different institutes of the National Academy of Sciences and other organizations from the end of the sixties, well before the internet. These works resulted in a new management concept and distributed control methodology and technology, originally called WAVE, which were further developed and demonstrated in different countries in the areas like network management, industry, social systems, collective robotics, military command and control, crisis management, national and international security, defense, distributed simulation, space-based systems, and many others. The current paper analyses the relation of the developed Spatial Grasp Model, resultant Spatial Grasp Language (SGL), and Spatial Grasp Technology (SGT) to some higher-level psychological and philosophical concepts. By providing the basics of SGL and SGT and details of their implementation, it
discusses the possible relation of these concepts to some gestalt theory laws like the Law of Proximity, Law of Good Gestalt, and Law of Figure and Ground. The paper also shows how to organize a sort of distributed and global awareness under SGT on an example of a dynamic swarm of chasing units, which can provide the increased operational capability of the swarm and be practically used for the organization of collective behaviour of multiple robot units exploring unknown and harsh environments. The paper mentions how SGT may relate to higher mental concepts like perception, consciousness, and even soul. It also shows relations of SG concept and its implementation to the pattern theory, with pattern considered as a fundamental and universal concept in many areas of human activity, which actually stands in opposition to the terms of logic. Figs.: 13. Refs.: 65 titles.

UDC 681.5.01:614.8

Yalovets A.L. Situation centers and the problem of operational management of counteracting emergencies. Mathematical machines and systems. 2022. N 4. Р. 53–61.

One of the most pressing issues of our time is the problem of countering emergencies of various origins. In crisis situations, both the ability of critical infrastructure facilities to function and the ability to establish the normal current life in cities and towns of Ukraine and their residents depend on the successful solving of this problem. It, in its turn, directly depends on the quality of solving the problem of operational management of emergency response. One of the possible ways to solve this problem is to automate the processes of planning and operational management of emergency response using situational centers. These issues are covered in the current article. The definitions of situational centers are given and their purposes and capabilities are characterized. A general overview of the problems of planning and operational management of emergency response is given and it is established that traditional approaches to solving these problems require significant changes. In particular, it has been revealed that action plans are traditionally used to plan emergency response processes, which are text documents containing a regulated sequence of actions to counteract a certain emergency and do not allow for a solution in the event of a change in the current situation that is not provided for in such an action plan. The article substantiates the expediency of using the state space graph to present an action plan for countering emergencies, suggests some approaches to support the processes of operational management of countering emergencies in situational centers using a decision support system, and defines the tasks of further research. Refs.: 9 titles.



UDC 004.772

The article proposes the implementation of a specific information system for ensuring the information security of the enterprise. The peculiarities of the international standard ISO/IEC-15408, which is a methodology of tasks, assessments and a catalog of IT security requirements have been studied and analyzed. The specifics of the application of general security criteria have been defined and the use of Active Directory services has been proposed as an example of the implementation of General Criteria at the enterprise. The advantages of the Active Directory service in comparison with the Workgroup have been determined. Step-by-step construction of a fault-tolerant enterprise data protection system has been offered. A feature of the proposed system is the fault tolerance of the directory service, which is ensured by deploying servers – domain controllers in each domain. The article defines the main tasks of the proposed data protection system, including the comprehensive coverage of management functions, the efficiency of use of computer and telecommunications equipment and software, and the adaptability of the functional and instrumental structure of the system to the features of the managed object. The proposed complex data protection system consists of a number of interconnected components. A mandatory component of setting up a comprehensive protection system is the organization of a backup system for critical databases, which includes planning a backup schedule for various servers. To manage access rights, user groups have been added, taking into account the specifics of the company's work, and setting policies makes it possible to limit access to data on the company's file servers in accordance with different levels of access to information. The implementation of research materials into the practice of solving applied tasks aimed at implementing a data protection system at enterprises has been confirmed by acts of practical application at the enterprise Medical Center Consilium Medical LLC. Figs.: 3. Refs.: 3 titles.

UDC 004.92; 372.881.1

Tyshchenko I.A. The use of holographic 3D technologies in education. Mathematical machines and systems. 2022. N 4. P. 68–74. 

The article considers the aspects of using modern information technologies in the educational process. The results of the use of computer technologies in conveying information to students, the role of the development of information technologies for the educational sphere, as well as the feasibility of using innovative methods in education are analyzed. Holographic 3D showcases and holographic technologies are one of the most innovative devices and technologies for educators. The use of holographic 3D showcases for the reproduction of multimedia presentations and demonstration of objects is a modern and progressive method of presenting educational material. The relevance of the article lies in the argumentation of the use of modern information technologies which facilitate the work of the teacher and increase the capabilities of the devices available in educational institutions. Portability, mobility, and easiness of use are the keys to the successful use of gadgets in educational institutions. The educational process is an integral part of human development. The further interest of the students and the results they will get depend on the method of presenting the information. A review of approaches to conveying information provides an algorithm for the successful presentation of material so that listeners could easily learn it and were interested in it. An important aspect of the educational process is the practical use of skills and the comparison of real objects and tasks with those that were covered in the educational process. The use of holographic models will give an opportunity to create a simulated model of anything, allowing students to understand the material better. The information technologies for the operation of holographic 3D showcases used for modeling tasks and examples are intuitive and optimized for the level of knowledge in IT of the average teacher and lecturer. It allows every teacher to create educational material, lessons, lectures, and practical or laboratory tasks on an ordinary personal computer without any problems. The article also describes the methodology of creating educational materials for a holographic 3D showcase which will optimize the process of developing bulk materials and help to understand better the specific features of the holographic 3D showcase functioning. Fig.: 1. Refs.: 6 titles.

                                   SIMULATION AND MANAGEMENT


The main task of rolling production is to provide rolled products of sufficient quality. Among the primary parameters of metal sheets to be rolled there are their flatness and section. Managing the section and flatness of the strip is a complex problem, and for its solution, there are used not only the tools for automatic control and technical parameters adjustment but also various implementing bodies with which rolling mills are equipped. Nowadays, hydraulic pressure devices are widely used in sheet-rolling mills as elements of fast-acting systems of automatic strip thickness adjustment (SAST), as well as systems of section and flatness control. Systems of shaped rolls with their axial deflection in opposite directions are also applied. Using in the sheet-rolling mills the above-mentioned special bodies and systems of control of section and flatness of sheet to be rolled provides the compliance of these parameters with the specified requirements. The paper investigates the factors influencing section and flatness of sheets, as well as the described special bodies and systems of control of sheet section and flatness regarding the automated systems of managing technological processes of sheet-rolling mills. In SAST, on heavy-plate mills (HPM) and broadband mills for hot rolling, the principle of maintaining the constancy of the inter-roll gap is used as the main one. SAST can be built based on the principles of relative or absolute adjustment of the strip width described in the paper. The search for a universal enough method of influencing the inter-roll gap shape has led to the creation of a system of shaped rolls with their axial deflection in opposite directions (continuously adjustable rolling section). Such a system provides a symmetrical change in the section of the inter-roll gap, which is easily adjusted to any rolling apps. Figs.: 4. Refs.: 5 titles.

UDC 631.3:528.8:681.518

The existing ways of managing the agrobiological condition of the soil environment and soil sampling using the existing methods do not take into account the variability of their parameters of the agricultural land area. To implement the technology of differentiated introduction of technological material, a simplified method of uniform division of the field surface into equal squares (with areas of mainly 5-15 hectares) is predominantly used for further diagnostics and field management utilizing such differentiation. On the one hand, such a division is caused by the convenience and simplicity of this method and on the other hand, by the lack of reliable operational data about the field and the absence of a tool for dividing the field according to other criteria based on the initial data. The method of the field surface uniform division into equal squares does not take into account the field specifics and zones of heterogeneity and, as a result, there is low reliability of the data obtained using this method, and accordingly, low possibility of using such data for the quality control of technological processes utilizing the technology of technological material differentiated introduction. In some cases, when this method is used, the parameter values of the soil environment will be underestimated while in some others – overestimated within one square. Differentiated management of the technological material introduction rate within a specified square, should be carried out specifically on the basis of the average value of this parameter. Therefore, this method of implementation of technological material differentiated introduction will be ineffective. Under these conditions, it becomes necessary to develop a methodology for the analysis of zones of heterogeneity (variability) of the agricultural land condition using monitoring tools and software for its implementation. Knowing such a method opens up new prospects for running organic farming utilizing such smart agricultural machinery. Таbl.: 1. Figs.: 3. Refs.: 20 titles.


UDC 004.05

The article is devoted to solving a number of problems associated with determining the residual resource of cylindrical steel tanks. When studying the negative factors that affect the operational resource of the studied objects, detailed attention is paid to the geometric structural deviations that appear in the process of using these technical structures. The deviations of the outer contour of the bottom of the tank, the forming wall of the tank from the vertical at the level of the top of each belt of the wall, and the deviation of the paving of the base from the horizontal are selected as a determining parameter and are investigated. The work assumes that the forecasting of the residual resource is based on the determination of its minimum estimate by calculation. A comparison of the minimum estimate with the established permissible level of wear of the structures under study is carried out. Achieving the maximum permissible critical values of deviations below which the necessary reserve of the load-bearing target is not provided is defined as a limit state. In the absence of significant failure statistics, a probabilistic-physical approach is used to evaluate the objective technical condition and forecast the residual resource of the specified structures. Within this approach to the assessment of durability, there is a probabilistic model that uses the failure DM-distribution. The parameters of the used model are based on a physical interpretation. The main parameters taken into account are the average rate of change of the determining parameter and the coefficient of variation of the generalized degradation process. The work gives an example in which the residual and total service life of steel cylindrical tanks is determined. The results obtained during the calculations demonstrate proportionality with the permissible normative values and periods of operation specified in the regulatory documentation. The article presents the criteria for assessing the residual resource of the investigated steel cylindrical tanks, the use of which will allow reducing operating costs by increasing the intervals between repairs. Таbl.: 3. Figs.: 5. Refs.: 14 titles.



       Last modified: Jan 18, 2023