UDK 681.3 Situation centres - the base of control by the great dimension organizational systems / Morozov A.O. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 1997. - N 2. - P.7-10. The questions of the new information technologies for organizational systems of the great dimension (branch, state) are discussed. The definitions of the formalized and unformalized knowledge and their relations under the development of systems of RADA type, functioning in the Supreme Council of Ukraine and the systems of the situation control of Situation Centre type by President of Ukraine are given. Fig: 1. Refs.: 4 titles. UDC 681.3.06 Basic procedures of computer algebra / Fishman Ju.S. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 1997. - N 2. - P.11-15. In this article a system of elementary basic procedures is described from which the functions, recognizers and converters of computer algebra languages and programmes are constructed. Refs.: 43 titles. UDC 681.3 Parallel realization of logical inference. / Semerenko V.P. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 1997. - N 2. - P.16-24. The method of execution of the resolution procedure in the prepositional calculus and first-order logic on the base of Boolean algebra of cubic functions is proposed. Hardware implementation of the method due to programmable systolic is considered. Refs.: 8 titles. UDC. 681.3 Intellectualisation of the computers on the neural growing Networks / Yashchenko V.A. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 1997. - N 2. - P.25-31. There is discussed the new class of the neural growing networks, developed in the result of the synthesis of the scientific knowledge worked out by the different science disciplines of Computer Science in the work. The new class of the neural growing networks is used as a facility for intellectualization of computers. Refs.: 11 titles. UDC 681.3 Parallelizing and optimizing conversion of deductive queries in their relational representation /Ali Adnan // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 1997. – N 2. –P.32-40. The methods of calculation and optimization of deductive queries are considered. The features of their data flow realization, which provides the efficiency increasing at the expence of parallelizing and reducing exchanges with extensional data base. Dependences of the efficiency of such realization from query characteristics are studied. Refs.: 19 titles. UDK 681.3. About one approach to Steiner's problem solution / Donets A.G. // Mathematical Machines and Systems.-1997.-N2.-P.-41-42. The problem of Steiner problem is studied and a general approach to more rational algorithms creation for its solution is proposed In the paper. Refs.8 titles. UDC 681.086 The tools of the problem orientation of ANALYTIC universal programming system / Klimenko V.P., Каlyna Е.А., Fishman Ju.S. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 1997. – N 2. – P.43-48. Тhe task of the problem orientation of the universal system of computer algebra is considered. The general structure and input language of the problem orientation tools of ANALYTIC-93 universal programming system are outlined. Refs.: 7 titles. UDC 681.3.01 Models and methods used in the systems of communication with computers on natural language / Lescko O. N. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 1997. - N 2. - P.49-53. The general and particular problems of intelligent interfaces design are formulated, the stages of linguistic translation of text information are marked out, the aims of these stages are pointed, and the comparative evaluation of methods at the morphological, syntacsical and semantical levels is given. The model of direct recognition is marked as more perspective, the notion of hypertext is given at the context of the issnes under consideration. Refs. : 9 titles. UDC 681.3. Perspectives of Neuro-Fuzzy Systems / Kussul M.E .// Mathematical Machines and Systems.-1997.-N2.-P.54-56. The possibility of solving sophisticated tasks of artificial intelligence with the hybrid systems based on the neural networks and fuzzy system stimulates activity of the theorists and industrial specialists to search for new algorithms which combine achievements of neuro- and fuzzy- theories. The paper represents brief discussion about types, derivation, application and possible future of these systems, not pretending to be the complete overview in this area of research. Refs.: 7 titles.
UDC 681.3:61 To the question about building the data bases of the graphical images for applied information systems of the medical purpose / Otblesk D.B., Vishnevskey V. V. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 1997. - N 2. - P.57-60. There is described the approach for building data bases of the medical images based on the OLE-server technology. Figs: 4. Refs.: 8 titles. UDC 681.327: 621.39: 534.78 Verification subsystem of new Criminalistics Automatic Speaker Verification and Identification (CASVI) system / Gorban I. I., Gorban N. I., Klimenko A. V., Hazanovich M. S. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 1997. – № 2. – P.61-64. Verification subsystem of new Criminalistics Automatic Speaker Verification and Identification (CASVI) system is described. New system can work in complicated conditions, when frequency distortions are on the level of 35 dB and signal-to-noise ratio is 12dB. Subsystem test methodology and results are presented. Refs. : 18 titles. UDC 681.322.06 The computer method of the systems modeling and control of the tactical-technical characteristics of the special purpose complex technical systems. / Mitrakhovich M.M. // Mathematical Machines and Systems.- 1997.-N 2.- P.65-67. The method of the system modeling and control of tactical-technical charactirics of the special purpose complex technical systems is discussed in the work. The major factors such as architecture and dynamics of the complex system behaviour are taken into consideration. Two stages of the tactical-technical charartestics estimation are regarded: statistical and dynamical analyses. The actions and procedures of modeling and estimation of the tactical-technical characteristics of the special purpose complex systems are regarded in detail. Refs.: 2 titles. UDC 681.3 The objects contours analysis in the binary images / Kalmykov V.G., Vyshnevsky V.V. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 1997.- N 2. - P. 68-70. The new method of the structural analysis of the binary image contours is proposed. The special structural elements are used, permitting to reduce the two-dimensional task of the contour analysis to a number of one-dimensional tasks. Figs: 1. Refs.: 6 titles. UDC 681.3 The Designing problems of information technology for comparative analysis of the actors impact on the society transformation / Kosolapov V.L.// Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 1997. – N 2. – P.71-77. Development problems and main stages of the decision support making for the comparative analysis of the actors impact on the society transformation while carrying out a politological investigation for estimating social and political processes are set forth. Figs. : 5. Refs.: 8 titles.
UDC 621.3.019.3 The new technology of the reliability research / Strelnikov V.P. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. -1997. - N 2. - P.78-83. The work reviews the reliability research problems and analyses causes of in adequate solution of reliability today. The work examines probability-physical methods as new technology of the reliability research, which can solve these problems of reliability more effectively. Refs.: 23 titles.. UDC 621.382 Accelerated estimation of electronics products reliability / Feduhin A.V., Butenko E.V. // Mathematical Machines and Systems.- 1997. - N 2.- P.84-93. Calculation-experimental method of an accelerated estimation of reliability parameters of of electronics products, taking into account the phenomen on of change of domination between compound processes of degradation, is developed. The method is more exact and effective, as it allows to do with the test of one sample, that essentially reduces the price of the quantitive parameters estimation procedure of the products reliability. Tabl.: 1. Figs: 3. Refs.: 5 titles. UDC 621.396.6.019.3 Calculation of the integrated microcircuits reliability / Strelnikov V.P., Sespedes-Garsiya N.V. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 1997. - N 2. - P -94-100. A new approach to the calculation of reliability indlicies of the integrated microcircuits, based on using two-parametrical diffusive distribution is proposed. The calculation method of measures of reliability of the integrated microcircuits on the base of two-parametrical model of failures gives more exact calculated estimations of the integrated microcircuits reliability inclicies in contrast with traditional lambda-method based on one-parametric exponential distribution Tabl.: 1. Figs: 2. Refs.: 10. titles. UDC 621.822 Probability - physical approach to the calculation of reliability indices of mechanical units of the computer facilities / Strelnikov V.P., Feduhin A.V., Yakovlev M.F. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 1997. - N 2. - P -101-113. Probability - physical approach to the calculation of reliability indices of mechanical units, based on probability - physical reliability model of DM distribution is developed. The concrete methods of using the diffusion distribution mathematical apparatus are given. Obtained on their base estimations of the reliability indices are more adequate and conform well to operation data. Figs: 5. Refs.: 7. titles. UDC 621.3 Harmonisation of national health care informatics standards as a move to the European intergration / Kosolapov V. L., Siversky P. M., Yurevich L. V. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 1997. - N 2. - P. -114-121. Problems of national telematics technologies standardisation in the area of health informatics for better quality and efficiency of healthcare due to the uniform information management system are studied. The emphasis is done to the standardisation procedures of electronic information interchange within a healthcare system. This is due to technological globalization processes with European integration in political, social, and economic spheres, in particular. Organisational and technical issues for standards development at European level, including main standardisation areas are analysed. Some implications for nation wide activity within other actions for national informatics standards development and adoption, which are harmonised with European ones, are outlined. Tabl.: 2. Figs: 1. Refs.: 7 titles. UDC 681.3 To the problem of society informatization. The methodology of scientific foreseeing problem solving for helping the home computer industry out of the crisis / Briukhovich E.I. // Mathematical Machines and Systems.- 1997-N 2.- P.122-132. The materials on the scientific foreseeing methodology in its development are represented. The essence and possibilities of the methodological principle of the system approach raised with the general theory of Bertalanfi systems in the synthesis with Gyodel theorem have been opened. This is a concluded methodology today. An example of the system approach application is provided. Refs.: 32. titles.