UDC 532.538:681.3.06
Mathematical modeling of supercavitating underwater motion of bodies at nearsonic velocities and its guarantee systems. / Savchenko Yu.N., Savchenko V.T, Morozov A.A., Semenenko V.H. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. -1999-№ 1.- P.3-15.
It is described a supercavitating underwater motion of bodies and problems of some mathematical models construction on different stages of motion. Technologies in forecasting of processes and situations at design and service of supercavitating objects are considered. Fig.: 6. Refs.: 10 titles.
UDC 518.5
Ussing computer algebra to construct approximation methods / Popov B.A. // Mathematical machines and systems. - 1999. - N 1. - P.16-29.
With the help of computer algebra methods algorithms for balanced approximation by splines with given error or given number of links are obtained. Obtaining the optinal type of approximating expression on each spline link is predicted. Figs: 3. Refs: 26 titles.
UDC 681.3
Burst error correcting in cyclic codes / Semerenko V. P. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. -1999. - № 1. - P.30-42.
Productive polyhomials of cyclic codes on the base of the theory of linear sequential machine are investigated. A new subclass of cyclic codes for single fold burst error correcting the arbitrary length and corresponding algoritms for them are proposed. The corrective properties of the Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) codes and Fire codes are considered. Tabl.:1. Ref: 8 titles.
UDC 518.5
Adaptive economical asynchronous iterative methods "digit by digit" / Tesler G.S.// Mathematical Machines and Systems. -1999. -№1. - P.43-52.
There is proposed the new class of economical asynchronous iterative methods "digit by digit" for counting mathematical functions by computer. In oder to decrease the quantity of the iterations in the paper it is proposed using as linear so unlinear initial and complete estimate, which are presented in the form of modified expansion of functions in the terms of errors. The functional relationship for getting the adaptive methods "digit by digit" is considered. The formula's dependence and the real results of computations with using adaptive algorithms are cited. Tabls:3. Refs: 11 titles.
UDC 681.3.06 +519.683.8 +519.677
Calculation with methods of computer algebra of integrals on the flat area with piece-flat board / Lyahov A.L.// Mathematical machines and Systems. 1999- № 1 - Р.53-61.
The problem about automatic calculation of integral from piece-continuous function on the flat area, the border of which changes during the decision of a problem is resolved by the methods of computer algebra. Use of methods of the theoryof generalized functions allowed to reduce calculation of integral to transformations and operations, by being operations, standard and own functions of the programming system ANALYTIC. The area of integration is simulated in a kind of a structure, the hierarchy of which does not depend on the contents of a particular problem. Integral is formed in a kind of object, uniform for all piecewise-similar area of integration. figs: 4. Reps: 8 titles.
UDC 621.391:621.396
Optimization of space-time noise signal processing in complicated dynamic conditions / Gorban I. I., Volkovetsky S. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 1999. - N 1. - P.62-70.
On the basis of earlier developed approaches to optimization of space-time processing with complicated antenna's motion in space the series of space-time signal processing algorithms on a background of Gaussian correlated noise were synthesized. The signal consisted of discrete components and a continuous part of a spectrum was considered. The results were obtained for the wave plane signal and the complicated waveform signal in inhomogeneous linear medium. Figs: 2. Refs: 30 titles.
UDC 681.3
The technology of "understanding" by programming systems of the natural human speech / Vinnichuk I. P., Gruzman N.Z., Komisarenko D. Yu., Usach A.G. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. -1999. - N1. - P.71-76.
The work deals with the problem of understanding of natural human speech by programming systems. The basis for the solution of the problem is a translating BNF grammar, which describes the set of input phrases to be understood by the system, as well as the set of output structure adequate to input ones, interpretable by the system. Two approaches to the work with BNF grammars have been considered; advantages and disadvantages of both of the approaches have been described. The article results in specification for the development of the interaction interface between the program and BNF grammars, examples of such grammars are presented. Refs: 9 titles.
UDC 519.852.6
The direct method of the decision of the linear programming tasks of the distributing type / Plish V.E. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 1999. ( N1. ( P.77-86.
It is proposed of order О (2/3 n3 ) method of the linear programming tasks decision ( distributing the resources for achievement of maximal effect. Refs: 13 titles.
UDC 517.988
Convergence of SOR-Newton's method for numerical solution of nonlinear parabolic equations / Kivva S.L. // Mathematical Machines and Systems.-1999.-N1.-P.87-97.
SOR-Newton's method applied to numerical solving system of finite difference equations approximating nonlinear parabolic equations is considered. Existence of solution for finite difference scheme is proved, convergence of SOR-Newton's method and its asymptotic speed of convergence are investigated. Refs:8 titles.
UDC 504.056
About the control and analysis of situations in potentially dangerous objects / Serebrovsky A.N. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. ( 1999. ( N1. ( P98-117.
The conception of creating of the emergency incidents prevention system in potentially dangerous objects is considered. The representation of situations as the whole complex of factors is proposed. The influence of these factors are one-directed monotonous ("Method of expert's estimating scales"). The system of indices described the situations in objects and the method of their calculation is elaborated. The technology of the current situations control and analysis is described figs: 4. Refs: 11 titles.
UDC 62-192:519/21
Estimation of efficiency of multisteady systems taking into account the reliability of their components / Feduhin A.V. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 1999. - N1. - P118-122.
Method of efficiency estimation of multisteady system of the type the network for transfer of data taking into account the reliability of the included components. As a theoretical model reliability of components the diffusive distribution of an operative time up to refusal is used. Fig:1. Tabl.:1. Refs:7 titles.
UDC 681.3
To the question of the Society informatization. The decision of the task of the scientific foresight for taking out of the crisis home computer technique. 1 Biosphere fragment of the common scientific picture of the world / Brukhovich E. I. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 1999. N1. - P.123-145.
There are given the results of the System analysis of biosphere, which permitted to construct the biosphere fragment of the scientific common picture of the world and to define the real place of the computer technique in it. It is determined identity of the organization and mechanisms of the reproducing and evolution processes of the animate substance of the biosphere and anthropogenous objects. At the same time with the analysis on the base of Gedel's theorem about the proves of uncontradictory it its determined the truth (according to laws of the Nature) of the market type of economical system and the limit of its development as a kind. This paper is the first one from planed publications on the question of decision of the scientific foresight tasks. Figs: 3. Refs: 36 titles.
UDC 681.3.06
The implementation of the information analitical technology : actual problems / Andrukh G.V., Kovtun V.A., Kolosov V.E., Kosolapov V.L., Shpilskaya J.L. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 1999. - N 1. - P.146-154.
Problems and aims of implementation of the information analitical systems technology on the basis of situational estimations while analyzing social and political processes are set forth. The analysis of methods and models of situational simulation and decision-making support systems are presented while carrying out a politological analysis. Main stages of the data processing for the decision support are mentioned. Refs.: 14 titles.
ISSN 1028-9763 Mathematical Machines and Systems, 1999, N1