Mathematical Machines and Systems. 1999 #2



UDC 518.5
Optimal starting approximation for Lambert W Function / Iskierka I., Popov B.A.//Mathematical Machines and Systems. –1999.–N 2. P.3-11.
The method for selecting starting approximation for mathematical functions which are computing by iterative algorithm is proposed. The method is illustrated for Lambert W function. Figs.: 7. Refs.: 6 titles.
UDC 519.688
Actions planning logics for intelligence systems / Telenik S.F. //Mathematical Machines and Systems.-1999.-N 2.-P12-24.
The actions planning formalization problems for adaptive technologies of intelligence management information systems design are considered. The higher (finite) order formal system, enabling new object types definition in functioning and allowing to represent the achievability of the aim state from initial one by actions plan deduction is elaborated. The requirements to the program actions realization are researched. The appropriate procedure of the deduction is proposed. Refs: 14 titles.
Intensification of the computation process /Tesler G.S./ /Mathematical machines and systems. - 1999. - N2 - P.25-37

There is discussed the system of the computation process intensification principles and different criteria of the determination of the hardivare and software guality. At the first time for this purpose the minimax and generalised criterion of the computation process intensification were considered. The connection of using the intensive factors for inereasing the computer efficiency with ecological and economical problems is shown Refs: 26 titles.


UDC 681.142.2
The generation of files by media of the ANALYTIC for interchange with other programming systems.The development by media of the ANALYTIC of the files for information interchange with others programming systems/ Klimenko V.P., Alekseeva I.B., Ljakhov A.L., Fishman J.S.//Mathematical machines and systems. - - 1999.- N2.-С.38-47.
Results of organization of the symbolical numerical and graphic interface, which uses advantages of the programming systems with various properties, are submitted. The initial modules of functions - procedures for the FORTRAN are generated by software "АНАЛИТИК", which can to adapt for features of the tasks. The numerical decision of the task is carried out by means of the FORTRAN-programs. The graphic interpretation is executed by means of the software MAPLE. Applications of the developed programs are described. Fig.:1. Table.: 1. Refs: 22 titles. 
UDC 532.528:681.3.06
Software package for computer simulation of supercavitating body motion in water / Savchenko Yu.N., Semenenko V.N., Putilin S.I., Naumova Ye.I. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 1999. - N2. - P.48-57.
A structure of the software package developed at the IHM UNAS to automatize design calculations and computer simulation of underwater supercavitating object dynamics is described. Examples of computer simulations of different types of unsteady supercavitation flows which verify adequacy of the adopted mathematical model for a wide range of parameter values are given. Figs: 11. Refs: 10 titles.
UDC 681 324
Artificial Inklligence Methods in Crew Dispatching Problems Solving for Airlines / Litvinov V.V., Miroshnichenko A.V., Putienko I.V., Khhodak V.I.//Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 1999. – N2.-P. 58-69.
In the given article it is proposed the approach for crew aircraft dispatching problem solving for typical aircraft flights, which is based on using rotation. The proposed approach allows to represent the crew plan problem as a series of subtask. While solving each of problems the optimization on some set of criteria is performed when the decision get before is optimized on every next stage. Such problem solving organization allows to narrow the area of optimal decision searching on every stage and thus narrow the combinatorial exhaustion problems.
Bringing the crew dispatching problem solving is performed by constructing the rotations – typical schedules of crew using. The strategies and base algorithms for rotation set constructing, schedule completing and crew dispatching are described. Figs:12. Refs: 2.
UDC 681.3
Hierarchical formal model of deductive inquiries / Adnan Ali // Mathematical machines and systems.– 1999.– N 2.– P.70-77.
Is entered and the formal model uniting the abstractl-mathematical description of inquiries to deductive databases with scheme-operational representation of logic process of their processing.The are given basic concepts and properties of model: rules of operation of the scheme operators, interpretation and semantics of the scheme, condition of correct functioning of the scheme, methods of organization of computing process etc. Refs: 12 titles.
UDC 519.6
Convex model of distribution of hydroresource between customers //Finin G.S. .- 1999.- N2. –С.78-82.
The solution of the equation liquidtransfer is shown to solution of the ordinary differential equation, on the basis of which the mathematical models of handle of humidity of an active stratum of soil are constructed. Such task is shown to the task of mathematical programming with convex limitations. The described models are developed for application in automated system of operating control by of pouring. Refs: 8 titles.
UDC 658.012.011.56
The Structure of The Lexicographical Systems// Shirokov V.A..- 1999.- N2. –С.83-104.
On the base of the concept of the lexicographic effect the theory of the lexicographic systems as the some type information systems is developed. The structure theory of the lexicographic systems is built, the notions of the category, agregats, virtual lexicographic systems are introduced. The process of the recursive reduction of the lexicographic systems is described. It is emphasized that the formalism developed represents the theory model base for the natural language processing. Tabl: 1. Refs: 23 titles.
UDC 621.391:621.396
The noise immunity of space-time signal processing systems in complicated dynamic conditions / Gorban I. I., Volkovetsky S. P. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 1999. – N2. – P.105-111.
The noise immunity of space-time signal processing systems was researched for complicated and noise conditions. It was shown complicated antenna motion essentially rises noise immunity in case of local noise. Figs: 1. Refs: 27 titles.
UDC 330.31: 336.662
The estimation model of investing projects efficiency / Alekseyev A. A., Panchenco A. I. // Mathematical machines and system. – 1999.- N2. -P.112-116.
The estimation model of investing projects efficiency is constructed by the method of the definition of the nominal net cost on the base of discounting the future value of the money streams. the model takes into account the properties of crediting, investment and inflation processes. Tabl. : 2. Refs.:3 titles.


UDC 621.37
Forecasting parametrical reliability of semi-conductor devices with using diffusive distribution of an operating time up to a refusal / Feduhin A.V. // Mathematical machines and systems. - 1999. – N2. - P.117-122.
Methods of an estimating of parametrical reliability of semi-conductor devices are offered. As theoretical model of reliability there is used diffusive distribution of an operating time up to a refusal. Figs:1. Tabl:2. Refs:3 titles.
UDC 681.32.019.3
Statistical modeling of reliability of system with consecutive structure of elements / Сespedes-Garsia N.V. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 1999. - N2. - P. –123-127.
The results of statistical modeling of reliability of system with consecutive structure of elements which have DN-distribution operating time to a failure are brought in the work. Tabl.: 1. Figs.: 5. Refs.: 3 titles.


UDC 681.3
Data design and processing in the indicators model based on the regional socio-economical monitoring / Kosolapov V.L. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 1999. – N2.- P.128-142.
Data design and processing issues in the indicators model based on the regional socio-economical monitoring in the complex social system is discussed in the work. The system of indicators for estimation of the society-political and socio-economical transformation processes and functional tasks are presented. Main information structures and ways to measure and analyze them are considered. Tabl. : 1. Refs: 17 titles.


UDC 681.3
The main positions of the distributed integrated data bank conception in the structure of UACS AFU / Morozov A.A., Jaroviy A.D., Kuzmenko G.E., Litvinov V.A., Pilipenko Yu G., Koss V.A., Tratsevskiy A.V. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. 1999. - N2. – P.142-152.
In the given paper it is discussed one of the most actual questions according to the Armed Forces of Ukraine – creation of united information environment for information supporting taking decisions by the military leaders of Ukraine. As basis of such information environment the distributed integrated bank is discussed. The main directions of the integration, proposed structure of the distributed data bank and the common technology of its work, main principles of the creation DIBnD are formulated. The main types of the information components of the data bank, the main data flows in UACS AFU and the stages of the DIBnD are considered. Figs: 3. Refs: 3 titles.

 ISSN 1028-9763 Mathematical Machines and Systems, 1999, N2

       Last modified: May 18, 2010