UDC 681.3 Perspectives of the development of the computer means with network's interaction / Теsler G.S. // Mathematical Machines and Systems.-2001.- №1,2 - P.3-11.
The analysis of the development of the computer means on the base of their evolution development is made in the work. It is shown, that worknet organization and internodes interaction as on local so on global level will become the base for building the virtual semantic-information systems. These computer means and communications will become the base for new network economy, which allow to perform the dynamics of the national economy on a base of the science capacitate technologies, hierarchy of interests and resources levels. Modern computer networks, bio and neurocomputers are at the initial stage of the evolution development of the adaptive self developing antropogeneous systems. Refs: 17 titles.
UDC 519.682.1: 681.32
A metalanguage creation methodology for knowledge operation / Kurgayev А.F. // Mathematical Machines and Systems.- 2001.- №1,2 .- P.12-20.
The paper substantiates and states the problem, concerned with formalization and futher realization of semantic notions of logic metalanguage of knowledge representation as necessary condition for resolution of the problems, related, first of all to computer-aided knowledge representation and processing. A methodology of formalization and computer-aidid implementation of metalanguage for knowledge is formulated. Refs.: 31 titles.
UDC 681.3
Intellectualization ASC: problems, directions of the researches / Vyun V.I, Kuzmenko G.E, Morozov A.A. // Mathematical Machines and Systems.-2001.-N1,2.-Р.21-24.
The purpose of the work is analysis of the problem ASC intellectualization as process of creation of organized complex of means of providing "skill and abillity" to fix the change as internal so external conditions of existence and to help man to find adequate control decisions. Noting, that decisions of the raised problems is tightly connected with creation mechanisms and procedures of the intellectual enteractive man- system, the autors formulated in the raised plan a number of directions of their researches and building as the decision of the intellectual providing ASC problem, and also determined the additional problems of the preproject inverstigation of the object of automatization. Refs: 11 titles.
UDC 681:513
Additional properties of truncation rules of "Maximum independent set" problem decision algorithm and scheme of their realization / Aksenova L.A. // Mathematical Machines and Systems-2001.- №1,2. .- Р25-33.
Scheme of original algorithm of optimal solution of "Maximum independent set" (MIS) problem was considered in [3]. The new conditions were determined for given algorithm (p-conditions), under their fulfillment exact solution of instant MIS problem under consideration will be obtained for the polynomial time. In [4] truncation rules and conditions of redundant branches determination for given algorithm were proposed. They permit to increase statistical effectiveness of p-conditions. In given paper we consider properties of maximal closed sets, containing node cover (check property of optimal solution) and give algorithm realization of construction truncations of subsets of earlier constructed maximal closed sets and determination of redundant branches of given algorithm. We also propose further development of truncation conditions. Refs.: 6 titles.
UDC 681.324
Synthesis of the parametrical module of the multilevel combinational logic circuit / V.N. Opanasenko // Mathematical machines and Systems. - 2001. - N.1,2. - P.34-39.
The approach to the parametrical module synthesis of the multilevel logic circuit of a type "triangular matrix " is offered. The task of synthesis consists in definition of types of logic functions for logic elements by the description of Boolean functions by polynomials. For the given training sample of the binary vectors in the result of synthesis the structure of the module, which is built in as a library element in user's library of the PLD CAD, is formed. Tabl.: 4, Fig.: 1, Refs.: 6 titles.
UDC 681.3.00:007
Knowledge discovery in databases - advanced computer technologies for intelligent data analysis / Balabanov A.S.// Mathematical Machines and Systems.-2001. - N1,2. - P.40-54.
A survey of the state-of-the-art and perspective of knowledge discovery in databases and data mining is presented. The main approaches, tasks, models, methods, technologies and their practical importance are considered. Relations between typical KDD tasks (clustering, classification and association rule induction, dependency modeling) are shown. The main concepts and methods of recovery of dependency models structures for applied researches and decision making are considered. The ideas and difficulties in causal models induction are outlined. Figs: 4. Refs: 51 titles.
UDC 680. 03. 01
Some Results on Tries with Adaptive Branching / Reznik Yuriy A. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2001. -N1,2. -P.55-65.
We study a modification of digital trees (or tries) with adaptive multi-digit branching. Such tries can dynamically adjust degrees of their nodes by choosing the number of digits to be processed per each lookup. While we do not specify any particular method for selecting the degrees of nodes, we assume that such selection can be accomplished by examining the number of strings remaining in each sub-tree, and/or estimating parameters of the input distribution. We call this class of digital trees adaptive multi-digit tries (or AMD-tries) and provide a preliminary analysis of their expected behavior in a memoryless (Bernoulli) model. We establish the following results: 1) there exist implementations of AMD-tries attaining a constant (O(1)) expected time of a successful search; 2) there exist implementations of AMD-tries consuming a linear (O(n), n is the number of strings inserted) amount of space; 3) both constant search time and linear space usage can be attained if the (memoryless) source is symmetric. We accompany our analysis with a brief survey of several known types of adaptive trie structures, and show how our analysis extends (and/or complements) the previous results. Tabl.:1. Fig.:1. Refs.:27.
UDC 681.086
ANALITIC-2000 /Morosov A.A., Klimenko V.P., Fishman J.S., Ljakhov А.L., Kondrashov S.V., Shvaluck T.N. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2001. -N1,2. - P.66-99.
The computer algebra system ANALITIC-2000 and its source language are described in paper. It is the newest version of languages of ANALITIC family, which are developed in Institute of mathematical machines and systems problems of NAS of Ukraine. The works on ANALITIC family languages were started under the leadership of Academician Glushkov V.M. in the 60-th years. ANALITIC, ANALITIC-74, ANALITIC-79 versions were hardware realized on computers МИР series. ANALITIC-89, ANALITIC-91, ANALITIC-2000 versions program-realized on PC. The main distinctions of this family languages are the developed dialog mean and the high level of artificial intellect, oriented on automatic performance of the computer algebra programs. ANALITIC-2000 is intended for decision of scientific and applied problems and also for learning disciplines with the higher mathematical level of modeling. Figs.: 2. Refs: 2 titles.
UDC 681.3.06: 681.327.2
Metods for implementation searching algoritm in rectangular area at the air / Vasukhin M.I., Borodin V.A. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2001. - №1,2. - P.100-105.
In the article the problems of air situation analysis are reviewed as a particular case of problems of searching in geometrical area. For the problem of searching in rectangular area, under the condition of minimum memory resources usage, two simple programmatic implementations are offered, their efficiency are estimated and compared. Refs.: 4 titles.
UDC 681.3
Method of visualization of aeronavigational information in ARGON system. / Belyaev A.G. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2001. - №1,2 . - P.106-113.
The paper describes the experience of visualization of aeronavigational information from database using GIS-technologies. Method of visualization on the basis of analysis of geometric figures limited to lines with fixed type-set is developed. Approaches, used in method, could be applied to other problems, where obtaining of images from table data is needed. Refs.: 4 titles.
UDK 515.126.2:519.237.5
A topological method of robust estimation of multifactor regression equation coefficients in conditions of multicollinearity / Radchenko S.G. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2001. - № 1. - P.114-121.
A Method of robust (1 Ј cond Ј 10) estimation of statistical models coefficients for the first time is stated on the basis of topological transformation (homeomorphism) prototype of design of experiment in an image of mathematical modeling. The circuit of formation of a design of experiment prototype is given. For any area factoral space it is possible robust estimation of coefficients in conditions large (0,6 < | r (Xiо, Xjо) | < 1) multicollinearity. Tabl.: 1. Figs: 3. Refs.: 6 titles.
UDC 681. 513
On solution of some problems of discriminant and cluster analysis on base of reduction of input information / Babak O.V, Gasanjv A.S., Antoniuk A.A. // mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2001. - № 1,2 . -Р.122-128.
A new approach to reduction of input information in some problems of discriminant and cluster, which consists in reducing a multidimentional problem to a one - dimensional one is suggested. Figs: 2. Refs.: 6 titles.
UDC 004.912:61.
On using of the word-by-word coding method in computer - aided medical control systems / Siversky P.M., Yaroshenko V.N. // Mathematical Machines and Systems.-2001.-№1,2.-P.129-134.
The approach to text medical information coding has been used under which the unique binary code was assigned to every text word. The compression coefficient of coded text has been calculated when word-by--word coding of an enough large size text in regard to the necessary code size when serial by byte coding of this text. It has been indicated that the used method of data compression can be applied to the abbreviation of time overhead when data transferring by communication channels and for providing possibility of theirs ciphering. Refs.: 3 titles.
UDC 519.72
Restoration of some formatting parameters of the text, received from the PDF formatted documents / Vishnevsky V.V., Kalmykov V.G., Romanenko T.M.// Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2001. - №1,2.- P.135-140.
The format of representation of the textual and graphic information PDF (Portable Document Format) is used widely enough. Such representation allows to transfer appearance of the document adequately, but does not allow to restore any more such important service information, as attributes of the termination of the paragraphs, tabulators, attributes of turn of the text etc. This circumstance considerably complicates the PDF-format to be used in the interactive Internet - applications. In the work the algorithms allowing practically completely to restore the service information the textual components of the PDF-file for a case of the conjoint text are given. Tabl.:1. Refs.: 6 titles.
UDC 004.896
System of automation of physiological researches for study of functional asymmetry of a brain at visual perception. / Shulga E.U.// Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2001. - №1,2.- P.141-145.
In the article the automated recording system of physiological signals is considered. The given automated system is created for realization of scientific researches at presentation of the visual information, in particular at study of functional asymmetry of a brain of the person. Is concluded expediency of application of an automated system, in connection with its high efficiency and availability to a similar kind of researches. . Figs:2. Tabl.:1. Refs.: 9 titles.
UDC 681.3.068
Using patterns of projecting for building systems of knowledge distant learning and control / Fedoruk P.I. // Mathematical machines and Systems. -2001. -№1,2. -P.146-153.
In the process of implantation of systems of distance learning and control of knowledge the question of support and servicing of the given systems in the environment of people who, as a rule are not the specialists in the sphere of computer science. That is why for the effective usage it is necessary to have convenient and understandable instrument for the work with such systems. A pattern of projecting was elaborated for that purpose. Fig.: 4. Refs.:4.
UDC 681.3
Model of the protection of the home-producer / Alyekseyev A.A. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2001. - N1,2. - P.154-159.
It is defined two-stage model of pricing on products of row-materials export with counting necessary subsidies and taxes. The interests of home producers of raw materials and final products are taking into account. The method of building Lagranges functions is used for that. Refs: 3 titles.
UDC 004. 93
Revealing the parameters of identification of visual information / Zolkina E.A. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2001. - N1,2. - P.160-163.
The simultaneous and interconnected activity of two brain systems allows to achieve a high reliability of the received solutions. However, the contribution of each hemisphere and their interaction at different stages visual perception and the thinkings are unequal. In the article the algorithm of the program on study is considered asymmetries of a brain of the person, by definition of availability and direction of asymmetry of a brain. Figs.:3. Refs.: 7 titles.
UDC 680. 06
Modelling of the musical composition / Yashchenko V.A. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2001. - N1,2. - P.164-168.
This work is devoted to learning the conformities and principles of building musical composition as one of creation kind. Musical composition is a definite structure, that incarnates ideas, thoughts, feelings in a specifical form and reflects the reality delimitately from exact imaging its concrete external features. This circumstance gives the possibility to express ones and the same ideas, moods and so on by different musical devices, methods and intonations. Learning these main rules, methods allows computer modelling the musical composition process. The result of researching is a creation of the algorithm of synthesizing the melody and rhythm of the musical composition. So the algorithm proposes the net harmonization of melody and solution of the unstable notes, accordingly theory of music, organisation of the last note with account of melody moving, changing in the principle of sequention using new method of melody synthesizing is created. Using this algorithm we create program of melody synthesizing, that allows to generate rhythm and melody automatically or with the help of hand adjument. Rhythm and melody may be get as in digital from, that allows to edit melody, to pick out melody figures, tunes, which are liked, so in the Midi file from, that allow to listen it quickly.
Analyzing melodies we may improve algorithm. But this way is not effective and take too much time. That is why, the next stage in the given development will be learning the computer to make analyses of melody with using new tethnology of data processing - neural like growing networks. Fig.:2. Refs.: 6 titles.
UDC 658.012: 332.24
Quality and effectiveness estimation for the socio-economic monitoring in complex systems / Morozov A.A., Kosolapov V.L., Smirnova S.M., Superson V.I. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2000. - N1,2 .- P.169-185.
Theoretical principles of the effective estimation for the socio-economic monitoring in complex systems based on practical decision-making are discussed in the work. At the contemporary stage of the information technology development one of the most effective methods of effectiveness and scientific validity of management in the real complex system (economic, law, social) is creating relevant model of the system management. The quality measure is its economic effectiveness, which is the main criteria on expendiency and necessity of the management and its maintenance in the information model. The principles of the economic effectiveness for the information monitoring complex are presented. Figs. : 6. Refs.: 14 titles.
UDC 62-192:519.21
The definition residual operating time to failure on the basis of the measuring of diagnostic parameters / Strelnikov V.P. //Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2001. - N 1,2 . - P.186-193.
The analytical expression for expected residual time to failure in case DM-distribution is determined. The adequacy of received estimation demonstrated. Refs.: 2 titles.
UDC 621.382
Methods of an accelerated estimation of reliability of computer facilities. Classification, basic concepts and definitions / Fedukhin A.V.// Mathematical Machines and Systems.-2001.-N 1,2.-P.194-204.
Classification of methods of an accelerated estimation of reliability of computer facilities is offered, in which methods apriori, aposteriori and combined estimation of reliability are included. The given classification allows to apply the system approach on the basis of base theoretical model of reliability - DN - distribution of an operating time up to a refusal (on a refusal) and to unite organic the existing and again developed apriori, aposteriori and combined methods by one criterion function - by reducing the time of reception of the information about reliability of a product. Figs: 1. Refs.: 46 titles.