UDC 681.3
Situation centers is the base of strategic managing / Morozov A.O., Yashchenko V.O. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. –2003. – N1. – P. 3 – 14.
In the paper the situation centre are discussed as the base of the strategic managing. The question of making decisions on the level of managing the ministries, departments and the state as a whole are discussed. The price of the maked decision is very high, and the tasks of managing are faintly structurized and formalized, the issued data about objects of managing have not single meaning and are incomplete and contradictory. When working out the decision the technologies of the collective discussions of the proposed decisions, based on collective knowledge and collective intellect, are often used.
The conclusion is drawn about the necessity of working out and implementing situation centres of managing big commercial and state structures. This way allows to reduce risks, to save time, to increase quality and to intensify the control, to reduce the degree of multifactority, multicriteriority uncertainty, contradictoriness and many others, which help to achieve aim result more exactly and quickly.
Figs.:2. Refs.: 18 titles.
UDC 631.3
From informatics to the number theory. II. Interconnection of the proofs / Yotsov V.S. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. –-2003. – N 1. – P.15 -29.
Results are presented from different estimations on the proofs from the first part of the presented material, concerning the twin primes hypothesis. Comparisons and parallels are made between the possibilities of discovering or relative systems and the human inventions of Number Theory.
Tabl.: 1. Refs.: 2 titles.
UDC 681.32.0193 Alignment of sequences of the "random" numbers generated by the multiplicative congruous generator / Kravchenko O.B. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2003. - N 1. - P. 30 – 35.
Generators of regularly distributed random numbers are used for reception of sequences of the random numbers distributed under the given law. It is shown, that such sequences not always correspond to criterion of the consent. The way of alignment providing conformity of such sequences to criterion of the consent is offered.
Tabl.: 1. Fig. : 1. Refs.: 3 titles.
UDC 681.515
Multifunction neurocomputer NeuroLand / Riznyk O.M., Kalina O.A., Sitchov О.S., Sadova O.G., Dechtyarenko O.K., Galinskaya A.O. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. –2003. - N1. –P. 36 – 45.
The structure and the functionality of one of the first Ukrainian professional neuroprogram – NeuroLand is described. We give basic technical and operational characteristics and show the results of comparison experiments, which demonstrate the advantages of NeuroLand over well-know neuroprograms of professional level.
Tabl.: 3. Figs.: 11. Refs.: 11 titles.
UDC 621.8:681.5
Neural associative memory reconstruction when part of neural net was destroyed / Riznyk O.M., Sitchov О.S., // Mathematical Machines and Systems. –2003. – N1. –P.46 – 51.
Neural associative memory reconstruction when part of neurons was destroyed is reviewed. Reconstruction is achieved using pseudoinverse method during repeat training of some early memorized patterns.
Figs.: 3. Refs.: 10 titles.
UDC 681.3
Multiagent characters of the intellectual information systems of the automatic control / Vyun V.I., Dovgopoliy A.C., Kuzmenko G.E. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2003. – N 1. – P. 52 – 56.
As far as the development of the theory and practice of intellectual information systems the problems, requiring new approaches and data structurization for the effective using the intellectual abilities of the system are distinguished. In the work one of such approaches, Data Warehouse designing, is considered and the pecularities of the program-procedure realization of the theme-or problem-oriented Agents as system-technical base of DataWarehouse building and using are analyzed.
Fig.: 1. Refs.: 7 titles.
UDK 681.012:332.1:330.3:340.1
Investment-innovation and tax policies are regulating interaction factors within the condition of modern intellectual property market development / Morozov A.O., Kosolapov V.L., Otrishko O.V. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2003. - N 1. - P. 57 – 66.
An important tendency of the development of native intellectual property protection system is the consecutive process activation around the problem of modern intellectual property market creation in Ukraine, technology "transfer" system, mailing them corresponding to international standards, formation of adequate investment and tax policy trends. The work shows that state intellectual property protection system activity, information analytical systems of registration and control while using intellectual property on the basis of advanced information technologies implementation depend on a great deal on their further development: the level of native law correspondence to international standards in this sphere, state institutions progress system, which regulate the activity and technical equipment quality in the intellectual property protection sphere, non-state institutions dealing with intellectual property problems, "intellectual stock" terms of introduction in Ukraine, technologies "transfer" development system, Investment-innovation sphere compounds.
Figs.: 3. Refs.: 11 titles.
UDC 681.3
Object-relational mapping as a solution for object-oriented database technology / Shynder V.S., Lytvynov V.V. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2003. – N 1. - P. 67 – 81.
In this work the complex including development technology and software tools based on ideas of object-relational mapping is presented. Described approach is based on UML design methodology and it uses Java as a programming language. The program complex can be used for development of wide class of object-oriented applications using relational databases as data storage.
In the article the review of main approaches to building object-oriented databases (OODB) is given and general characteristics of OODB are described.
Figs.: 4. Refs.: 2 titles.
UDC 681.3
Modeling and realization of network complex of visualisation of multimedia information / Morozov A.O., Vishnevskey V.V., Masol D.I., Vlasova T.M. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2003 . - N1 . – P.82 – 94.
Network complex of visualisation of multimedia information (NCVI) is described. The unified functions of interaction, which are modeled by means of language UML are used in the complex. Practical examples of building the automated systems of visualisation of information (ASVI) on NCVI are given.
Figs.:22. Refs.:4 titles.
UDC 681.3
Program tools for defence users from unhealthy influence of computer environment / Mishchenko N.M., Felizhanko O.D, Shchogoleva N.M. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2003 . – N1. – P. 95 – 100.
The variety of tools responsible for defending users from unhealthy influence of computer environment is considered. Electronic monitoring means to collect and report the data of how programs are used by programmer. The functions of programs monitoring user’s health during computer performance, necessary data to control user’s health, short characteristics of components listed and possible interface between them are presented.
Figs.:1. Refs.:4 titles.
UDC 519.866
Systematics of problems concerning the modelling of financial technologies / Alekseyev A. A. , Belostotskaya V. О. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2003 . – N1. – Р. 101 – 105.
Stages and consequences of using financial technologies at different steps of passing from command-administrative to market economy are defined. The problems of socialization of rental income and untisocial use of the resource potential of lands and also the question of super-profits of "pocket" works are considered.
Refs.:6 titles.
UDC 681.03
Procedures of ranking in an expert estimation / Vdovichenko I.N. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2003 . - N 1. - P.106 - 118.
It is analyzed ranking as one of directions of an expert method of decision-making. Methods of ranking and dependence of the result on a choice of method are considered.
Tabl.: 14. Refs.: 7 titles.
UDC 004.518
Review of mobile OS software architectures / Semenets S.V., Gavsievich I.B. // Mathematical Machines and Systems.-2003.-N1. – P. 119 – 133.
The basic issues and architectural particulars of mobile operation systems are described in the article. Special attention paid to mobile applications creating from the point of view of corresponding platform program architecture. The particulars between applications creating for mobile and personal systems are marked.
Tabl.:2. Figs.:3. Refs.:12 titles.
UDС. 004.93
Formalization of a sensory problem on an identification of verbal visual stimulus, in different conditions / Shulga K.U. // Mathematical Machines and Systems.-2003 .- N1. - C. 134 – 141.
In the article the formal model of research of sensory process is adduced at a visual identification. The way of its concrete definition for the problem of verification of a synthesized biotechnical system of research is described, the algorithms of the solution of a similar kind of problems of given model are resulted. Based on a particular substantial information model the process engineering of the solution of visual problems in biotechnical systems are reflected.
Figs.:1. Refs.:9 titles.
UDC 621.3.019.3
To an estimation of coefficient of a variation of failures / Strelnikov V.P. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2003. N1. – P.142 – 146.
Estimations of coefficient of a variation of known processes of degradation, resulting to failures, and also methods of an estimation of coefficient of a variation of distribution of failures of objects are adduced when acting several physical processes of destruction and for various modes of tests (operation).
Tabl.: 1. Refs.: 2 titles.
UDC 621.382
About transformation of the diagram Pareto / Fedukhin O.V. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. ?2003 . ?N1. ? P. 147 – 151.
Procedures of transformation of the diagram Pareto are offered. Expression for calculation of variation coefficient of generalized degradation process in a forced tests mode of is received.
Figs.: 3. Refs.: 4 titles.
UDK 007:621.391:681.3 Information is the phenomenon of the nature: the role of information in natural and artificial nature /Tesler G.S.// Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2003 - N1. – P.152 – 165.
On the base of the adduced facts the postulate about information interaction and influence of the information on the processes and phenomena taking place in the systems of the live, dead and artificial nature has been formulated. The role of the language means on this influence is shown. On the base of the formulated postulate there are proposed the main tasks of the verbose science - post cybernetics, which is successor of the modern cybernetics and informatics. The connection of the postulate about information and influence with theory of V.I. Vernadskiy about noosphere, philosophical – semantic approach and other theories, connected with notion – the information, is shown. The problems of the live and dead nature division are disused on index, of vitality which includes the relations of the conventional information of, harmonization of the nature phenomena of the energy on the base of dynamic balance index between entropy and information. The phenomenon on of the water and crystal structures with the information – semantic position is researched.
Refs. : 35 titles.
UDK 681.3
Аn interactive cognitive-computer model of the man / Berestovaya S.N., Kapitonova Ju.V. // Mathematical Machines and System. – 2003 . –- N1. – Р. 166 – 172.
The article deals with a fragment of a scheme of an information-energy model of the man; this model consists of material, information, and energy Egos each of which exists at somatic, internally unconscious, conscious, and externally unconscious levels. Such a representation is a prerequisite to the extraction of intellectual and affective aspects of the man and also to an integrated consideration of the man from the cybernetic viewpoint.
Figs.:2. Refs.:6 titles.
UDC 617.7–085.849.19+615.849.19
Laser and eye fundus interaction model / Pasechnikova N.V.// Mathematical Machines and Systems.–2003.– №1. –P.173 – 179.
Mathematical model of selective laser influence on eye fundus structures is proposed. Mathematical calculations of optimal laser parameters for different eye fundus pathologies are made. They will optimize laser energy influence on retina and chorioidea and decrease the risk of possible late side effects.
Figs.:6. Refs.:18 titles.