Mathematical Machines and Systems. 2003 #2



UDC 519.95:681.3:518.5
The academician V.M. Glushkov is a scientist and organizer / Moiseenko V.V. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2003. - N. 2 - P. 3-5 Sketches about scientific - organizational receptions of job and methods of management of the academician V.M. Glushkov .

UDC 519.95:681.3:518.5
    Academician V.M. Glushkov’s Heritage / Tesler G.S. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2003. - N. 2 - P.6-11.
    The article has been devoted to some theses stated by Academician V.M. Glushkov, and their subsequent progresses in the works of the athor’s article. In particular it is to the point of the computing means development prognostication, General State Automated System, the efficiency criteria and so on, and so forth.
Refs.: 26 titles.
UDC 519.862
A macroeconomical model of the transformational direction of the V.M. Glushkov school / Alekseyev A.A., Alekseyev D.A. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2003. - N 2. - P.12-18.
A macroeconomical model of transformational type is proposed to predict the indices of fund renewal and changes in natural resourses and to estimate enviromental pollution on the basis of indices of the Ukrainian economy. The model is represented as a (solvable) system of seven ordinary integro-differential equations of the first order. This integrated system makes it possible to find matched variants of solutions, which can be used for prediction of actual parameters of the Ukrainian economy.
Tabl.: 2. Refs.: 9 titles.

UDC 631.3
From the informatics to the numbers theory. III The main theorem, results, comparisons / Yotsov V.S.// Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2003. - N 2. - P. 19-28.
The mathematical proofs are given in the paper, which complete the results and inference schemes from the first two parts of the presented material. A theorem is proven, which is fundamental for the investigation. The usage of the theorem allows to complete the process of proving the hypothesis about turn numbers and make a bridge to the proof of the well known Hardy-Littlewood hypothesis.
Tabl. :1. Figs.:2. Refs.:3 titles.

UDC 518.74
Contrary-closing rule and complete extensions of the logical technique of the intellectual systems with the input resolution rule / Aselderov Z.M., Lyaletsky O.O. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2003. - N 2. - P.29-34.
The problem of the construction of effective goal-oriented calculi for first-order classical logic (without equality) is solved. Some results on soundness and completeness of the calculi are given. Their connection with the input resolution that is incomplete in general and has the form of the SLD-resolution for special trees (the SLD-trees) is fixed. The connection gives a simple way for the construction of a complete extension of the SLD-resolution by means of adding a so-called contrary-closing rule, which easily can be implemented in intelligent systems using SLD-technique and requiring its complete extension for sets of arbitrary formulas.
Refs.: 11 titles.

About the concept of construction and choice of the distributed databases of information retrieval systems / Jakovlev Yu.S. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2003.- N 2. - С.35-53.
The basic conceptual rules of the approach to creation (choice) of the distributed databases of information retrieval systems with orientation to application of tool means of information support are offered. In a basis of the approach the architectural - structural decisions (attributes) are fixed, which use at creation Database renders essential influence on qualitative and quantitative parameters. A set of information maintenance of tool system, and also design stages at realization of this approach are offered.
Tabl.: 7. Fig.:1. Refs.: 24 titles.

UDC 681.3.06
Some modern problems the application of numerical-analytical methods / Lyakhov О.L. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2003. - N 2. - P.54-63.
Opportunities of modern computers permit to pass to the decision of very difficult problems. Such extension of area of application of computer algebra is accompanied by fall of efficiency of labour of users. The term “difficult problem of computer algebra” is entered and opportunity of increasing the efficiency of decision such problems by intellectualization is investigated.
Figs.: 3. Refs.: 33 titles.

UDC 681.3
The elements of algebraic algorithmics and object-oriented synthesis of parallel programs / Tseytlin G.О., Yatsenko О.A. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2003. - N 2. - P. 64-76 .
The paper is dedicated to the results got within the framework of integration of algorithmics algebra and contemporary object-oriented means. The means of algorithmic algebras constructing associated with present-day methods of program development are considered. The review of results on abstract-automaton models of control are given. The approach to constructing algorithmic knowledge bases grounded on algorithmics algebra apparatus is also suggested.
Tabl.: 2. Figs.: 3. Refs.: 30 titles.

UDC 681.51
Architecture and training of modular classifiers for applied tasks solving / Galinskaya A.А. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2003. - N 2. - P. -77-86 .
The experimental comparative investigation of modular neural networks intended to solve classification problem in a complex feature space is presented. Several modular architectures are investigated as well as three methods of modular networks training. All experiments are carried out with data obtained for ultrasonic multi-sensor car safety system. It is stated that use of the task decomposition based on separation of input space by sensors has advantages over the other task decomposition methods for viewed type of problems. Comparison of individual and cooperative training of modular classifiers shows that the methods give similar classification rate. Individual training shows more stable results whereas cooperative training significantly reduces training time.
Figs.:3. Refs.: 15 titles.

UDC 681.3
Neural networks application for equipment state monitoring in WANs with dynamic routing / Babenko K.Yu., Kireev O.S. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2003. - N2. - P.87-95.
Neural networks approach to fault messages correlation in wide area network (WAN) with dynamic routing is proposed. WAN model and typical fault scenarios are considered. Method advantages over widespread topology correlation technique are shown. Method speed estimation indicates high efficiency of the proposed method.
Tabl.: 2. Figs.: 4. Refs.: 8 titles.

UDC 681.3
On the History of Computer Algebra in Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics / Efimov G.B. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2003. - N 2. - P.96-105.
Brief retrospective review and main references concerned Computer Algebra researches and applications in Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics (Russia Academia of Science) are presented.
Refs.: 120 titles.


UDK 681.3:330.3:340.1
Theoretical aspects of the Ukraine region development model assessment using the National accounts system / Morozov A.О., Kosolapov V.L., Superson V.I. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2003. - N 2. - P.106-126.
Development of the Ukrainian economy needs comprehensive research in all direction of its public activities. In this case, considering the approach to regional income, gross regional product is extremely important for economic forecasts and assessment of achievements of different development programs for the country as a whole and its regional cross-section. Regional science development testifies that essential methodological approaches to studing regions in the 60-90's of the 20th century were connected with using a system of social accounts. The choice of the later changed not only is depending on the region but also on the aims and also on the political orientation of the research. A system of social accounts, being a component of a common system of economic indices is a basis for linking other major structural systems of indices - systems of links between different branches of industry, finance flows, social and cultural interaction, etc. In general such interaction caused the necessity of forming international standards for a system of using statistical data. Taking into consideration that these problems are very urgent under conditions of entering Ukraine into the world community it has become a reason for considering components of assessment that cause problems and realisation of possible approaches to sorting out issues of regional character in the Ukraine development.
Tabl.: 6. Refs.: 4 titles.

UDK 004.9:35.075.5
Models for estimation of efficiency of the regional level management systems / Kazymyr V.V., Shemet V.P. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2003. - N 2. - P.127-135.
Information streams for regional administrative centers are analyzed. Complex use of analytical and imitating models for an estimation of efficiency of the regional level management systems is considered.
Tabl.:1. Figs.: 12. Refs.: 10 titles.

UDK 681.324
Analyzing heterogenities and taking them into acount in distrbuted data processing systems / Knyazkova Z.V. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2003. - N 2. - P.136-139.
In article known methods of an estimation of heterogeneity of parallel computing systems, in particular systems of distributed data processing (DDPS) are considered. Possible directions of improvement of quantitative - quality standards of heterogeneity of such systems are given and the approach is given in creation of expressions for an estimation of quantitative - qualitative characteristics of a level of heterogeneity DDPS.
Refs.: 7 titles.

UDC 681.3:519.68
The peculiarities of the organization of modern automated reasoning systems / Morokhovets M.K. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2003. - N 2. - P.140-145.
Various forms of the interaction of modern systems for automated reasoning (ARS) with other software tools for solving mathematical problems are observed. Modern ARS are considered in a compositional aspect. On the base of the analysis done, the main problems and possible directions of the development of ARS are formulated.
Fig.: 1. Refs.: 28 titles.

UDC 621.518
Process checkpointing and restart system for Linux / Sudakov O.O., Boyko Yu.V., Tretyak O.V., Korotkova T.P., Meshcheryakov E.S. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. -2003. -N 2. - Р.146-153.
There has been proposed the software architecture CHPOX that allows to save the states of being executed processes in the checkpoints files and to renew the processes execution from the created files for Linux operating system. The proposed system main advantages are the efficiency and maximum hardware independence. There has been adduced the comparison of the proposed system with the existing analogues and there have been also adduced the results of its testing on a computing cluster for artificially made tests and modeling tasks.
Tabl.: 2. Figs. 2. Refs.: 9 titles.

UDK 519.711.3
The observation of techniques and producing of specific DM models / Azarova A.O. // Mathematical Machines and Systems.- 2003.- N 2. - P.154-160.
The review of the basic approaches to construction of DM model is carried out. On their base the specific mathematical DM model with the extended functionalities (in particular for bank sphere) is offered. It’s feature is that it takes into account a set of primary input parameters and a set of estimated parameters, and also that complex function of making decision is stratified on simpler function.
Tabl.:1. Figs:3. Refs.: 15 titles.

UDC 621.391:621.396
The round-views zones of unstabilized radars in roughness conditions / Gorban I.I., Klivak A.A., Ivanova S.L. // Mathematical Machines and Systems.-2003.-№2.-P.161-165.
The article deals with the elaboration principles of analytical computation of round views zones, unstabilized radars and researching of possibilities concerning the providing of round views zones by synchronization of rotating the antenna with roughness parameter.
Refs.:8 titles.

UDC 510.6
Sequential systems of deduction for many-valued logics / Pynko А.P. // Mathematical Mashines and Systems. - 2003. - N2. - Р.166-174.
In this paper we show how one can construct sequential calculi without structural rules (but with admissible structural rules) for arbitrary propositional finitely-valued logics with an identity determinant (that is, a finite set of unary secondary propositional connectives with a special property). Such calculi consist of axioms containing literals alone and invertible inference rules introducing complex propositional connectives. Interpreting sequents by atomic first-order formulas, we show that such calculi can be interpreted by strict universal Horn theories. Moreover, the procedure of goal-oriented deduction for such theories implemented in such programming systems as APS or Prolog simmulates the procedure of inverse deduction in the mentioned calculi.
Refs.:16 titles.


UDC 681.14
Methods of the analysis of quality and fault diagnostics of multilayered printed-circuit-boards / Fedukhin A.V. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. -2003. -N2. - P.175-182.
Methods of fault diagnostics such as the "breakage" based on use of faultiness functions tables are offered the conditional algorithm of faultiness localization is developed.
Tabl.: 3. Figs.:4. Refs.: 5 titles.
       Last modified: May 18, 2010