Mathematical Machines and Systems. 2005 #3



UDC 681.3
The architecturally-structural organization of computer means of the class "processor-in-memory" / Palagin О.V., Yakovlev Yu.S., Tykhonov B.M., Pershko I.M. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2005. – N 3. – Р. 3 – 16.
The new type of architecture of  “processor-inmemory” is offered, possessing with a high performance due to the run-time tuning of resources and effective use of processors. It is achieved by the choice of leading processors of the system, amounts of the processors up-diffused on the array of memory, the optimum processed data and etc. Figs.: 11. Refs.: 11 titles.

UDC 004.315.5
Design of the PLD-based floating point blocks with using VHDL language / Opanasenko V.M., Sakharin V.G., Lisovyy O.M. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2005. – N 3. – P. 17 – 23.
The structural realization of the PLD-based of a Xilinx type FPGA 32-bit module of division with a floating point appropriate to the standard IEEE-754, executed by using the behavioral description of algorithm by language VHDL is offered. The check of functioning of the module of division by a method of modeling in system ModelSim Xilinx Edition–MXE II with the help of the verifying stand executed by means of the schematic editor Engineering Capture System (ECS) and the HDL-editor, Xilinx ISE Foundation system, included in structure is realized. Tabl.: 1. Figs.: 4. Refs.: 10 titles.

UDK  621.8:681.5
Allowed and prohibited architectures of modular networks / Kussul M.E., Galinskaya A.О. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2005. – N 3. – P. 24 – 34.
Formal definitions of allowed and prohibited architectures of modular neural networks are proposed in this article. Using definitions and properties of cycles in modular networks, algorithms of determination of run's order for modular architectures containing cycles were suggested. Proposed method is intended for determination of rules for automatic construction of modules' run order, and also for control of architectures created by CAD users. Figs.: 5. Refs.: 7 titles.


UDC 004.5
Principles of creation of systems  of presentation  class / Grinchenko T.O., Dikiy O.M.,  Landsman O.G., Matskevich V.V., Olenin M.V. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2005. – N 3. – P. 35 -  49.
The paper concerns some problems of creating presentation multimedia systems as a segment of global information space. The process of that segment formation consists of two components – creation of information resources in a form of electronic multimedia documents and their integration within global information space. The goal is  the determination of the main features of presentation of multimedia systems, principles of their building and integration into global information space. Tabl.: 2. Refs.: 18 titles.

UDC 004.912 + 004.738.52
Vector and distributed representations reflecting semantic relatedness of words / Misuno I.S., Rachkovskij D.A., Slipchenko S.V. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2005. – N 3. – P. 50 – 66.
Methods for formation of multidimensional vector representation of words reflecting their semantic similarity are considered. The methods are based on statistics of co-occurrence of words and contexts that is extracted from large text corpuses. Prototypes of software systems for processing of textual information, formation of semantic representations and text search are implemented. Results of experimental investigation of the developed representations in a number of tests are provided. Figs.: 6. Tabl.: 8. Refs.: 30 titles.

UDC 510.5
Computer system of processing signals, managements, displays and the control of two coordinate radar station of the circular review / Klimenko V.P., Voloboev V.P., Losev V.D.   // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2005. – N 3. – P. 67 – 80.
In article the question of development of hardware-software complex (HSC) of two-coordinate radar station of the circular review independent of hardware is considered on the basis of computer system of processing signals, management, display and the control. The conceptual model of functioning HSC is offered, requirements to the hardware are formulated, developed on the basis of computer system HSC and the technique of selection of hardware is offered. The example of development HSC coastal radar of the circular review is given. Tabl.: 2. Fig.: 1. Refs.: 13 titles.

UDC 519.862
A monetary model of balancing of demand, offer and inflation / Alekseyev D.A, Monich T.Ju. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2005. – N 3. – P. 81 -  90.
Three approaches to the simulation of the level of monetization of an ecomomy, emission of money, and inflationary expectations taking into account are considered with taking into account "underground" resources in Ukraine. The models of M. Mikhalevich,      M. Pavloskii and M. Fridman are analyzed. The basic model of the investigation is represented by a system of integro-differential partial differential equations. Tabl.: 1. Refs.: 8 titles.

UDC 681.3
On approach to parallel formulations of Floyd-Warshall’s algorithm / Pogorelyy S.D., Kamardina O.O., Bavykin O.I. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2005. – N 3. – P. 91 – 101.
Floyd-Warshall’s algorithm formalization is executed with the use of mathematical means of the systems of algorithmic algebras modified. Conversion strategies of basic algorithm into a parallel one are offered and the parallel regular chart of algorithm is obtained. The chain of equivalent transformations is executed and the spectrum of the modified charts of Floyd-Warshall’s algorithm is got. Figs.: 6. Refs.: 11 titles.

UDC 519.237.5
The analysis of experimental data on the basis of the use of multifactorial statistical mathematical models / Radchenko S.G. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2005. – N 3. – P. 102 – 115.
The methods for obtaining of multifactorial statistical models of real systems are considered, which allow to interpret the reasonal, structural and quantitative relations between separate factors and criteria of the system quality. The general and the special properties of statistical models necessary for the analysis of the data with the use of the models are formulated. The classes of experimental designs for obtaining such models are given. Examples of creation of multifactorial statistical models  and performing on their basis of the analysis of data about systems are presented. Tabl.: 2. Refs.: 14 titles.

UDC 004.942 + 623.454.862
Comparison of model selection criteria in the approximation tasks with natural basis / Revunova О.G. // Mathematical Machines and System. – 2005. – N 3. – Р. 116 – 125.
A comparative analysis of linear model selection criteria applied to the problem of assessing the radionuclide content in environmental objects is performed. Detector outputs obtained for gamma-quanta of particular energy are used as basis functions. Complexity and quality of models vs noise level for various model selection criteria is investigated. Figs.: 6. Refs.: 20 titles.

UDC 004.518
Performance estimation techniques of the mobile devices software / Semenets S.V. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. –  2005. –  N 3. – P. 126 – 134.
The performance estimation techniques of the mobile devices software at the early lifecycle stages is examined in the article. There comparative analysis and examples of practice are shown. Special attention is paid to problem of using the formal mathematical methods for estimation of software characteristics within the bounds of UML specification language.  Tabl.: 1. Fig.: 1. Refs.: 18 titles.

UDC 681.3
Technology of imitation modeling variants of organizing local computer nets resources by given structure of the olistributed system of the data processing / Maximey I.V., Levchuk V.D., Eskova O.I., Maslovich S.F., Konchits N.N., Selitskiy V.I., Starchenko V.V. // Mathematical Machines and System. – 2005. – N 3. – Р. 135 – 146.
The technology of using imitation models of variants of organizing local net resource when proposed approach uniting conception of the net graph with methods of computer imitation. Fig.: 1. Refs.: 10 titles.

UDC 004.9:504:519.6
Data assimilation in the three dimensional model of radionuclide dispersion in the water ponds THREETOX of the RODOS system / Kovalets I.V., Yushchenko S.A., Zheleznyak M.I. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2005. – N 3. – P. 147 – 154.       
The data assimilation procedure is developed for the 3D model of the radionuclide dispersion in water systems THREETOX included into the Hydrological Disperision Module of the EC decision support system for offsite nuclear emergency management RODOS. The method is verified on the basis of the monitoring data on radioactive contamination of the Black Sea, and also on the simulated data of the radionuclide dispersion in the Kakhovka  Resrvoir for the scenario  of hypothetical  accidental atmospheric fallout  from the Zaporizhke NPP.

UDC 651.3:518.5
The technology of making  the learning  module in the adaptive system of distance education and knowledge control / Fedoruk P.I. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2005. – N 3. – P. 155 – 165.
The article reveals the question of making the adaptive system of distance education and knowledge control.  The technology of creation of the learning block of the system is proposed. The technolody  under study  let us  provide automatic division of the learning material  into blocks by the way , which creates the most favourable conditions of  the material digestion, as well as creation of such blocks of the learning  course depending on individual peculiarities, efficiency and abilities of  students. Fig.: 1. Refs.: 4 titles.

UDC 519.711.3
Program architecture of the expert systems in diagnostic systems of electron beam welding installations / Litvinov V.V., Kazimir V.V., Khominich А.V.  // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2005. – N 3. – P.166 – 179.
This article is devoted for using contemporary information technologies in the problems of development of systems for diagnostics of complex technical objects. It is based expediency of using mathematical models of logical type when building expert system of diagnostics. Production rules, which express problem area of knowledge, are used for knowledge representation. Expert system is considered as engineering tool with knowledge base, which would be used for the concrete diagnostic problems, as they contain the main procedures for working with knowledge. Tabl.: 4. Figs: 3. Refs.: 5 titles.


UDC  621.192(035)
Research of methods of control of average indices of reliability of computer facilities / Strelnikov V.P., Volosсhuk О.М., Voronya N.G.  // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2005. – N 3. – P. 180 – 185.
Methods of planning are submitted with the purpose of the control of an average operating time over refusal of products of computer facilities on the basis of using diffusion distributions, and also exponential distribution. It is marked, that volume of tests (the minimal number of the samples necessary for tests) on a basis  of exponential distribution are essentially overestimated in comparison with similar plans of the control over a basis of diffusion distributions.  Refs.: 3 titles.
       Last modified: 2010-5-18