Mathematical Machines and Systems. 2006 #4



UDC 004.5
Victor Michajlovich Glushkov and his school / Grinchenko T.O., Stogny A.O. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. 2006.  N 4.  P. 3 - 14.
The paper is devoted to an outstanding scientist of the modernity - V.M. Glushkov. He left us 25 years ago. But his cause and his scientific school live. There are principles of creation of school and scientific results in the paper. The memoirs of colleagues supplemented to image of Teacher. Refs.: 6 titles.

UDC 004.318
Architecture-ontological principles of construction of intellectual information systems / Palagin O.V., Petrenko М.G. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2006. - N 4. - Р. 15 - 20.
In this article it is researched and developed conceptual bases of construction of ontology-operated information systems which main features are metaontology LOPW and orientation to hardware of interpretation of information structures. Thus the last are realized on modern programmed logic integrated schemes with use of a paradigm of flexible architecture that provides, in particular, the effective mechanism of processing of indexes which identify lexical units NLT in a computer. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 16 titles.

UDC 680.3
Model of natural intelligence and the ways of realization of artificial intelligence tasks / Koss V.A. // Mathematical Machines and System. - 2006. - N 4. - P. 21 - 35.
In the paper the essence of procedures of man functions management is stated. The classification of functions is given from a position of psychology, reflecting essence of functions of the man instead of his reaction of behavior. The results of the analysis of process have allowed to look at a role and place of systems of artificial intelligence in life and activity of the man in a new fashion. The approach to study the process of transformation of the information in the man thinking of and structural model of the process of thinking is given. Its realization can form the basis for integration of systems of artificial intelligence. The conclusions about the integrating role of cybernetics in the system of knowledge of the world. Fig.: 1. Refs.: 23 titles.

UDC 681.03
New cybernetics and modern informational control systems / Vyun V.I. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2006. - N 4. - P. 36 - 41.
The article has been devoted to the system technical problems of modern informational control systems (ISC), tied with supporting the processes of self development and self organization on methodological principles of the cybernetics (Tesler G.S.). In the article there is considered one of the possible versions of broadening the traditional ISC functionally-organizational structure with the "new cybernetical" means of interactive providing of these processes. Fig.: 1. Refs.: 8 titles.

UDC 004.032.26
The questions of using replicative neural nets in the tasks of image compressing / Ivaskiv Yu.L., Levchenko V.V. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2006. - N 4. - P. 42 - 50.
The experimental analysis of influence of some parameters of replicative neural net and training set for the speed and quality of training is executed; the formula for calculation of factor of the compression is offered; recommendations on formation of training set are given. Tabl.: 2. Figs.: 7. Refs.: 5 titles.

UDС 621.8:681.5
Modular presentation of neural networks / Kussul M.E. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2006. - N 4. - P. 51 - 62.
In this article we consider the possibility of modular presentation of the most commonly used paradigms of artificial neural networks and discuss advantages of such presentation. As a basic element of modular presentation we propose to use "layer" of neurons that is a group of neurons working in parallel and performing the same functions. Model problem is described that illustrates the advantages of modular presentation and architecture of modular network of "new type" is given. Figs.: 4. Refs.: 15 titles.

UDС 004.738:52
Сoding and reconstructing the sequences / Antonenko A.O. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2006. - N 4. - P. 63 - 68.
Methods of the coding and reconstructing the sequences based for use binary vector are considered. The results of experimental investigations conducted for task of searching of words with error are adduced. Figs.: 3. Refs.: 10 titles.

UDC 519.1
The solution of the matrik problem about mathematical safe with different locks / Chgan Bin // Mathematical Machines and System. - 2006. - N 4. - P. 69 - 72.
The mathematical safe problem in case of locks of various types is solved for the first time in this paper. Two theorems are proved, that allow to obtain solution to this problem for specific types of locks. Refs.: 2 titles.

UDC 510.5
Stealth-technology in shipbuilding and methods of counteraction of radar stations of coastal (sea, air) basing / Bondarenko E.О., Voloboev V.P., Klimenko V.P. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2006. - N 4. - P. 73 - 82.
In article it is shown, that at the system approach to selection of parameters of hardware of a two-coordinate radar station of the circular review coastal (sea, air) basing and presence of methods of detection of the objects working with the small relation of a signal to noise, the problem a stealth-technologies will be removed. The algorithm of increasing of the attitude{relation} of a signal to noise is offered. It is shown, that radar station of air basing (balloons, dirigible balloons) increase range of steady detection of objects and are base counteractions for perspective directions in a radar-location. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 9 titles.

UDС 621.9:001.8
System Statistical Properties of Experimental Method of Investigation / Radchenko S.G. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2006. - N 4. - P. 83 - 89.
It is shown that multifactor statistical mathematical models obtained by results of experimental investigation are the main form of description of complex systems, processes, objects. System statistical properties of the experimental method of investigation have been formulated and studied. The author shows theoretical schemes of results substantiation to which the mentioned system statistical properties lead. Refs.: 13 titles.

UDC 519.622.
Solving of stiff differential equations using function expansion with residuals series method / Tesler G.S., Gelembjuk R.V. // Mathematical Machines and Systems.  2006.  N 4.  P. 90 - 98.
In the paper we proposed the new means of solving ordinary differential equations using function expansion with residuals series method. The algorithm of its practice using is given. The comparative analysis of an investigated method with existing methods for the numerical solving of the differential equations is executed, in particular the Taylor series method. The attention is concentrated on the stiff differential equations and systems. Prospects of the further researches in sphere of using function expansion with the residual series method for the solving of differential equations are analysed. Tabl.: 1. Figs.: 4. Refs.: 17 titles.

UDC 517.972/974
Application of the method of nets to numeral solution of one class of impulsive management tasks / Sazhenyuk V.S., Brusnikin V.М. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2006. - N 4. - Р. 99 - 106.
Examined is one class of impulsive management tasks, which is made by the tasks of determination of stop time for the dynamic systems with limitation. The method of numeral solution for this class of tasks, which is based on application of methods of penalty and finite difference approximation, is offered. The ground of method is given as theorems about convergence. The coordinated estimations of velocity of convergence are got. Refs.: 6 titles.

UDC 683.5
Researching fatness of sausage production on corresponding technical conditions / Zaytsev V.G. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2006. - N 4. - P. 107 - 110.
In the paper the causes of the substantial decrease of meat and milk production quality are discussed. The researching on estimation of sausage production fatness on accordance to technical requirements is described. It is substantiated the necessity of the development of the automated system of monitoring sausage production. Figs.: 4. Refs.: 4 titles.

UDC 004.732
Conflicts of access in local computer networks / Alishov N.I., Petrishina O.V. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2006. - N 4. - Р.111 - 123.
The article is devoted to research of conflicts of access to the general divided data channel. There are described results the design of work of network of Ethernet by Petri. The developed model can be used for the exposure of deadly embraces, researches of integrity of procedures and algorithm on the whole at development of new access methods to the general divided channel of transmission. Tabl.: 4. Figs.: 9. Refs.: 10 titles.


UDC 681.03
The main principles of creating unique information space of the corporative systems / Pilipenko Ju.G. // Mathematical Machines and Systems.  2006.  N 4.  P. 124 - 128.
In the paper there are discussed the principles of creating unique information space of the corporative systems, i.e. the systems of great dimension, combining hetero geneour components, developed in different time and by different designers. There are marked out main, more complicated aspects of creating unique information space, discussed problems, arising when creating, planed the ways of their decision and possibilities of creating correspondent instruments. Refs.: 4 titles.

UDC 519.876.5:656.7(045)
Technique of account of optimum number of engines for air courts of new generation in an exchange collection / Babak V.P., Kozlyuk I.O. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2006. - N 4. - P. 129 - 137.
With the purpose of increasing of efficiency of using air courts, decrease of the operational charges, reduction of term payment of an aircraft, the technique of account of optimum number in an exchange collection of functional systems is offered in given paper on an example of the engine Д-436-148. The given technique is universal, as allows to make accounts for definition of optimum number of any functional systems for an any type of air courts. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 7 titles.

UDC 004.415(045)
Free answer assessment method in computer systems of testing knowledge / Badorina L.M. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2006. - N 4. - P. 138 - 143.
The article describes students' knowledge method by comparison analysis of the textual answer with given standart text identifying their correspondence. There are given practical settlements. Particular attention is paid to the research of theoretical - set model of introducing knowledge on the terms sinonimity basis of the sabject bield with the help of operation on sets. Tabl.: 1. Refs.: 3 titles.

UDC 651.3:518.5
Graph-automated model of adaptive system of distance learning and control of knowledge / Fedoruk P.I. // Mathematical Machines and Systems.  2006.  N 4.  P. 144 - 154.
The article reviews the usage of graph-automated model of adaptive system of distance learning and control of knowledge for solving the task of optimal control of quantum stream of knowledge in the process of receiving the course by students. The model under study takes into account such important aspects of distance learning as possibility of "forgetting" the knowledge quantum by a student: the problem of the order of presenting of quantum for working and operating on: repetition of certain quantum in different classes and contexts. Described model of quantum stream control lets to realize in the system of distance learning and knowledge control of certain possibilities of adaptation to peculiarities of perception and knowledge levels of those who are studying. Figs.: 4. Refs.: 8 titles.


UDC 629.735.05:621, 3(045)
Parameters of efficiency of exploitation of reservation of aviation radio-electronic systems / Ulanskyi V.V., Machalin I.О. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2006. - N 4. - P. 155 - 163.
The basic indexes of exploitation efficiency of aviation repairable multiunit radio-electronic systems are considered. The structural functions are worked out for a series multiunit system and a parallel redundant system. Mathematical expressions of complex reliability indexes and operating costs are presented for series and parallel type of a multiunit system. Tabl.: 1. Refs.: 8 titles.

UDC 621.372.542
The frequency and phase analysis recursive technique of a two-tone frequency-shift keyed signal / Bezverbny I.A. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2006. - N 4. - P. 164 - 173.
The two-tone frequency-shift keyed signal frequency and phase analysis technique by means of digital processing is proposed, the computation process using digital-analytical method on the base of slide spectral analysis is considered, the experimental check results of the tone signal program-demodulator system efficiency is described in this paper. Tabl.: 1. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 7 titles.

       Last modified: May 18, 2010