UDC 681.3 Formation and development of the theoretical and practical principles of creating highly integrated mobile (board) computers, systems and complexes of the real time / Mudla B.G. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2008. - N 3. - P. 23 - 61.
In the paper the question is about formation and development theoretical and scientific-technical principles of the creation and technical implementation of the board multichannel information systems of the special purpose on the base effective technologies of the complex integration, miniaturisation and failure stability of the computer means during 45 years of scientific-practical activity one of the Institute's department. The examples of the most important developments and the names of the designers are given. Tabl.: 2. Figs.: 10. Refs.: 46 titles.
UDC 631.3 The analytic hierarchy process at creating knowledge base of the Expert Systems for estimation of hazard / Serebrovsky О.М. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2008. - N 3. - P. 62 - 67.
It is proposed approach for creating knowledge base of specialized expert system (ES). ES data are intended for estimation of hazard basic events probabilities. The functions of influence (IF) of causal hazard factors are the main elements of knowledge base. At creating IF the complex of methods is used. They are: the Analytic hierarchy process, failure models, expert estimations. Tabl.: 2. Refs.: 11 titles.
UDC 37.014.53
Homeland mobile technical means of the information support of the army / Mudla B.G., Serbin V.G., Suchomlin A.I. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2008. - N 3. - P. 68 - 74.
The short information about mobile technical audio and medium means of the information-psychological ascendancy of the military appointment which are applied in homeland serial production in 2007. Figs.: 5. Refs.: 5 titles.
UDC 519.927
About instability of the phase orbit of one class of hybrid system / Bychkov O.S., Kasyanyuk B.C., Sovyak T.P. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2008. - N 3. - P. 75 - 81.
In this paper, the common model of continuously-discontinuous systems, stochastic switched hybrid system, in particular, is considered. For this model, the theorems regarding instability of trivial phase orbit were proved. In the first theorem regarding instability, an assumption about existing of a common Liapunov's function was made, in the second theorem, this condition was eliminated. Refs.: 11 titles.
UDC 680.3
The way from ASCE to Situation Centres / Morozov A.O., Kyzmenko G.Ye. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2008. - N 3. - P. 82 - 107.
It is conducted short analysis of the theoretical and practical works of the Institute of the Mathematical Machines and Systems (SDB MMS IC Ukrainian Socialist Republic) in the sphere of automatization of processes of control by the objects on the different levels - from the first ASC of enterprise "Lvov" to Situation Centres of the strategic level. Figs.: 27. Refs.: 46 titles.
UDC 007.003; 007.008; 65.0; 681.3
Method of the incremental restructuring of simulation models for researching probabilistic technological processes / Smorodin V.S. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2008. - N 3. - P. 108 - 114.
New approach is examined to the construction of models of simulations of probabilistic technological processes of variable structure. The method of the incremental restructuring of simulation model of the probabilistic network graph is expounded in the real-time (invariant immersion of the proper model of probabilistic technological process in the great number of probabilistic models of the network planning with a variable structure) mode for the decision of task of research and control of probabilistic technological processes. On the basis of method of the incremental restructuring and the update version of the system of automation of imitation design of aggregate type it is offered the method of imitation of probabilistic technological processes, which is development of methods of decision of classic problem of synthesis of the optimum systems for probabilistic technological processes with changing structure of technological cycle. Refs.: 5 titles.
UDC 004.318
Ontological schemes of intellectualization of the systems of support of making decisions / Viyun V.I., Kuzimenko G.Ye. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2008. - N 3. - P. 115 - 120.
In the work the problems of forming system creating principles of intellectualization SSMD on the base of ontological schemes of the information support methods of (Data Mining) analysis of real activity of the system are discussed. There are proposed common systems schemes of their using when providing interactive processes of self-organization and adaptation of the system to the change of conditions and requests to the results of functioning. Refs.: 15 titles.
UDC 004.94:532.59
Transformation of the waves on permeable breakwater / Demchenko R.I., Kolomiets P.S. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2008. - N 3. - P. 121 - 130.
The modification basis of the "mild slope" equation describing the surface waves transformation in the coastal zone with dissipation region of porous rubble-mound breakwater type has been done. The tests have been fulfiled for given breakwater characteristics. Tabl.: 1. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 7 titles.
UDC 680.3
To the question of the control of the safety for the military objects of the rised hazard / Kyzmenko G.Ye., Thominich V.S. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2008. - N 3. - P. 131 - 140.
In the article discussed the control process of the safety for the military objects of rised hazard from the position of regimes its functioning through the table records of the electron passport is discussed. The information technologies implementation allows to build the inform-analytic system for support of making decisions on the questions of the military objects safety. Refs.: 5 titles.
UDC 005.52:[005.591.6:004]
Structure characteristics of building information analytical providing system body of the regional control / Rybakov L.O. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2008. - N 3. - P. 141 - 146.
The paper consists of materials, that allow to understand the role and the place of the state control bodies in the formation of regional information resources. It is denoted also structure characteristics and the principles of creating information-analytical providing system for regional control body. Tabl.: 2. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 2 titles.
UDC 62 - 192.003
Research of properties of the statistics applied to an estimation of probability of non-failure operation / Strelnikov V.P., Egorov S.V. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2008. - N 3. - P. 147 - 152.
On the basis of statistical modeling it is shown, that the most effective for the description of researched statistics diffusion distributions are represented which are recommended to use at planning tests for non-failure operation. Tabl.: 6. Refs.: 2 titles.
UDC 621.3.019.3
Estimation of superfluous system efficiency by criterion of average duration of idle time / Fedukhin О.V. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2008. - N 3. - P. 153 - 156.
The questions of superfluous system efficiency estimation by criterion of average duration of idle time are considered. Influence of a level of system redundancy on its efficiency of its functioning is shown. Tabl.: 2. Figs.: 3. Refs.: 2 titles.