About organization

     In 1963 year on initiative of an academician V.М. Glushkov, the founder of Ukrainian cybernetic school, the Special Design Bureau of Mathematical Machines and Systems  of the Institute of Cybernetics NAS of Ukraine (IC SDB MMS) as experimental project and production was founded. In July, 1992 it outgrew into large scientific organization in the field of informatics - The Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems Problems NAS of Ukraine (IMMSP NASU). 

    In 2013, the collective of IPMMS of the NAS of Ukraine celebrated the 90th anniversary of the birth of V.M. Glushkov and the 50th anniversary of the creation of SCB MMS. The collective monograph "The Institute of Problems of Mathematical Machines and Systems. 50 years of scientific activity", which was published in 2014, is devoted to these significant anniversaries.

The main directions of the activity according to Institute status are the creation of the scientific footing, development and introducing in economy and defense of the state information technologies, automated systems of the different purposes, computer technique means and software programs, including:
    - theory and applied methods of the creation of information and analytical decision support systems, in particular, situational centers;

- development of methods of mathematical modeling of hydrometeorological phenomena, environmental pollution, dynamics of ecosystems and creation on their basis of computer systems of forecasting and support of decision-making on ecological safety and rational nature management;

- research, creation and implementation of information, communication technologies, neurotechnologies, information and cybersecurity technologies for various information processing systems, including automation systems for management of equipment and technological process, and sophisticated computer systems as well.

At the beginning of 60th in connection with rapid development of scientific researches in cybernetics the problem of the practical mastering of the got theoretical developments by a national economy and defence of country the special actuality acquired.

The most essential "pioneer" developments of this period are:

  • the first in the world the professional personal computers "MIR-1", "MIR-2", "MIR-3" with a structural interpretation of input programming languages of high level (USSR State prize);
  • the first in the USSR automated control system by a production, introduced on the Lvov Television Factory (the ASC "Lvov") (State prize of Ukraine);
  • the typical terminal complex "BARS", oriented to the construction of the multilevel automated systems of collection, transmission and data processing, and etc.;
  • the first in a country flexible production system on the base of processing centers IR-32,
    IR-500, robot-treylers, terminal complex "BARS" and automated store-houses, which was developed jointly with Ivaniv machine-tool production society and was introducted on the row of metal-working enterprises of the USSR, one of which was rewarded with the State prize of Ukraine;
  • the integrated automated control system NPO "Energy" (Kaliningrad city of the Moscow region);
  • the first in the USSR the complex automated control system for Ulіanovsk aviation complex;
  • the first in the USSR control machines are "Dnepr-1" and "Dnepr-2", which served a technical base for many automated system of control by technological processes;
  • the system to control docking and flights of "Soіuz"-"Apollon", is a general American-soviet project, and it was rewarded with the State prize of the USSR;
  • the control complex of high reliability for the control telephone long-distances "Neva-1М", that serially produced by the "Robotron" combine (NDR);
  • the first in the world multiprocessors super-computer SS 2701 (Single System), SS 1766 with macro conveyer organization data processing and structure, which dynamically adapts oneself to the class of tasks which are decided (State prize of Ukraine);
  • the first in the USSR display with a light pen introduced in composition of PC "MIR-2" in a mass production;
  • the specialized digital calculating complex "TSIKL-2М" and a proper system for automatic control of profile of blades of aviation turbojet engines (State prize of Ukraine);
  • the first in the USSR board problem-oriented computer "Express-1" on the large hybrid integrated circuits for processing hydro acoustic signals;
  • the automated system of data processing of flying tests of aviation techniques "Virazh";
  • the board problem-oriented computer complexes "EKSPAN" and "PIRS" for processing experimental data complex testing full-scale specimens of navy products in a ground and nautical conditions;
  • the specialized board computer "Scorpion", "Moscow";
  • the board problem-oriented computer complexes "Standard", "Etalon" for the systems of the metrological providing tests of compound techniques and attestation of measuring methods in the centers of standardization and metrology at the republican networks level;
  • the automated system of the on-road testing of the armored machinery "Kran" (State prize of Ukraine);
  • the information computer systems are "BARK" and "Course" for board and surface processing of mooring, nautical and flight testing data of ekranoplans of types "Orlenok" and "Lun" ;
  • the board systems "GAMMA-5110" and "SOS-216" for express processing of data flying tests and decision of heat-vision search tasks, exposure and accompaniment of air and surface objects;
  •  the board information computer complexes of control flight "Cross-2" and landing "Cross-1" of "MIG-29" and "SU-27"  airplane's types on the aircraft carrier decks;

In 60-80th years which were marked by enormous achievements of native science and techniques in the sphere of space researches, the SDB MMS had a number of successful developments in this direction:

  • the automated system of processing and visualization of telemetric data which was created on the basis of the specialized computer complex (SCC) "Delta" (IC SDB MMS development), provided the successful execution of research program of Galley comet; 
  • on the basis of the SCC "Delta" the Center of prognostication and liquidation of hard consequences on Chernobyl Nuclear Electric Station (NES) was created for operative informing the State commission about distribution of radionuclide in water, air and fauna that allowed accepting the grounded decisions on Government level in Ukraine.

For the last 32 years the collective of scientists of IMMSP NASU has attained considerable successes in development of modern science (the most significant results are illustrated on the slides).

  • The theoretical foundations, methods and technologies of the model-oriented control by production systems were developed, and on their basis jointly with the Institute of the electric welding the name of Ye. Paton NAS of Ukraine on the order of Boing corp. firm (the USA) the unique options of the electron beam welding of new generation KL115, KL118, KL117 were developed and introduced, with technical descriptions and functional possibilities which have not analogues in the world.  For this development the team of scientists was awarded the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology in 2006.
  • The family of computer algebra systems with the input languages of high level "ANALITIC-93", "ANALITIC-2000", "ANALITIC-2007" was created and introduced in scientific researches and educational process in a number of universities of Ukraine. 
         The "challenges" class of computer algebra, which productive solution is possible only by automatic programs with a high level of "artificial" intelligence was defined. A correct approach to the description of tasks in the form of algebraic equations for stable physical (technical) facilities was designed.
  • New methods, algorithms and programs of digital processing of radiolocation signals were developed and on their basis firstly in Ukraine jointly with KRF "Burevisnyk" the radiolocation sea-based station with digital processing of signals - MR-244-2М - was created, which passed successfully the full scale tests on the cape of Sarych, Crimea ("Marine chain").

    In 2021, there was developed a new approach to creating a digital radar terrain map for navigating an aircraft on a trajectory close to a vertical one relative to the surface of Earth. The obtained results can be used as source material for theoretical and practical research in the field of designing an all-weather high-precision navigation radar system. 
  • The high effective stereophonic multimedia complex VSTU-50 and the movable cinema saloon were created, produced and accepted on arming by Ukraine's Ministry of Defence (MD) with the purposes of counteraction hostile agitation, an increasing competitive spirit, a providing in the field conditions of the morally psychological and military-professional training and education of personnel of the sections of Ukraine's Armed Forces.
  • System of "Monitoring potentially hazardous military sites" was put into research operation at the facilities of the pilot model.
  • Three-level model of SSDM was developed (in an environment Windows XP, Oracle DBMS and ArcMap) for management of forces and means of Ukraine's Armed Forces during emergencies.   
  • A new physical model of generation of magnetic field by the conductor with a current has been proposed, and a scheme of coherent amplification of the current's magnetic field in the system magnetic-conductor under the condition of use of magnetic in the form of transformer steel has been developed. Simulation of an active technological environment with volume up to 10 dm3  with intensive magnetic field created by the industrial frequency current has been carried out.

    The physico-mathematical model of transformation of various forms of energy: magnetic, thermal and electromagnetic was proposed. The existing examples of electric power conversion into heat, characterized by high efficiency and property accumulation heat were designed.
  • A plan of development of urban cadastre of Ukraine at the state level was created.

  • The ideology of the project of monitoring of  "Heliomed" for more intensive researches in branch geliobiology has been offered. This scale project of co-ordinate of time and space allows to receive. Groups of people in different widths it is spent for this purpose. By results of researches of monitoring of the project of "Heliomed" the algorithm of search of effects in groups is developed and offered.
         The algorithms and corresponding programs of WEB-oriented technology of "Heliomed" portal that allow to make a quantitative assessment of digital colour images of microbiologic specimen that are the most sensitive to fluctuations of space weather were developed. The received results can be used for the prevention of fatal effects of external helio- and geophysical factors to people suffering from cardiovascular disease.
  • New structural model of half-tone image was developed and experimentally tested, which allows creating the program facilities of processing of half-tone images that are invariant relatively to affine transformations of objects at images. Results of the researches were the basis of the telemedical diagnostic system "Onkotest WM-01", which allows to execute effective skrining of oncologic diseases on the early stages and introduction of which is begun in Ukraine.
  • There were designed, manufactured and implemented at public joint-stock company “Fakel”, limited liability partnership “Termokomplex”, limited liability partnership “EVRAZHRUP”, Brovary Municipal Equipment Plant sensors DT-5 of automatic emergency pipelines.

    In 2019-2023, there were developed, manufactured and implemented at Private JSC "
    Fakel", Fastiv, small-sized sensors for chimneys at gas distribution and compressor stations. The sensors have minimum sizes, high sensitivity and a wide range of operating temperatures, they can operate in a non-aggressive to steel environment  from the signal from the device of the pressure gauge to control external electrical circuits.    


     High-quality of scientific potential (brainpower) of the institute grows constantly: for 32 years of organization existence in status of research institute 24 scientist have defended doctoral dissertations and 58 – candidate dissertations. 
 The efforts of scientists of our organization were rewarded with 30 State prizes of the USSR of Ukraine and nominal bonuses of the NAS of Ukraine, 47 employees have the honoured ranks of laureates of the bonuses. In addition, the research workers of the Institute have different sings of higher organs of legislative and executive power (orders, diplomas etc.).

       Last modified: Feb 4, 2025